Hello Harm, i know you busy working on your new scripts, but maybe this helps you for bug tracking.
I have found out something about ioAUTONUKE.itcl:
I added a TCL command (site autonuke) pointing to the
ioAUTONUKE.itcl script for testing purposes. Upon executing the
script it tells me which dirs it is checking for what purposes.
It was interesting to see that it somehow substitutes one of my two
USB 2.0 external harddrives (namely with drive letter E:) with my
main RAID disk (C:). In the output it checks D:\APPS\a.very.long.list.of.different.folders
D:\TVEPS\another.very.long.list.etc... for incomplete dirs, for empty
dirs and so on which is what it should do. As soon as it it comes to
checking E: (see attached vfs layout down below) I see it checking my C:\Documents and Settings,
C:\WINDOWS, and so on ... I have no idea why this is but no wonder
it says in log:
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "anuke(banned,)": no such element in array
while executing
"foreach type $anuke(banned,$section) {
if {[string match -nocase "*$type*" $name]} {return $type}
(procedure "isbanned" line 3)
invoked from within
"isbanned "$subsection" "$release""
(procedure "autonuke" line 175)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\ioAUTONUKE.itcl" l
my default.vfs for autonuke script. (ie. set anuke(mtab) "C:/ioFTPD/etc/default.vfs")
"C:\ioFTPD\site" /
"D:\MP3" /MP3
"E:\0DAY" /0DAY
and finally my settings in ioAUTONUKE.itcl
set anuke(user) "nuker"
set anuke(group) "Nukers"
set anuke(mtab) "C:/ioFTPD/etc/autonuke.vfs"
set anuke(muser) "sitebot"
set anuke(ioA) "C:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\ioA\\ioA.exe"
set anuke(ioB) "C:\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\ioBanana.exe"
set anuke(tag) "\[NUKED\]-"
###; exclude = dirs with those words won't be checked
###; maxtime = releases older than that (mins) won't be checked
set anuke(exclude) {"incomplete" "nfofix" "nfo.fix" "nfo.update" "dirfix" "dir.fix" "samplefix" "sample.fix" "repack" ".fix." "_fix_" "Sorted" "\[200[0-9]\]" "\[200[0-9]*01\]" "\[200[0-9]*02\]" "\[200[0-9]*03\]" "\[200[0-9]*04\]" "\[200[0-9]*05]" "\[200[0-9]*06]" "\[200[0-9]*07\]" "\[200[0-9]*08\]" "\[200[0-9]*09\]" "\[200[0-9]*10\]" "\[200[0-9]*11\]" "\[200[0-9]*12\]"}
set anuke(maxtime) 4320
###; enable or disable nuke/warn (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
set anuke(empty,nuke) 1; set anuke(missing,nuke) 1; set anuke(banned,nuke) 1; set anuke(allowed,nuke) 1;
set anuke(empty,warn) 1; set anuke(missing,warn) 1; set anuke(banned,warn) 1; set anuke(allowed,warn) 1;
###; syntax: {"/section" statsection creditsection multiplier warnmins nukemins}
set anuke(empty,sections) {{"/APPS" 1 1 3 120 240} {"/0DAY/????" 1 1 3 1 60} {"/MOVIES" 1 1 3 120 240} {"/TVEPS" 1 1 3 120 240}}
set anuke(missing,sections) {{"/APPS" 1 1 3 1200 1440} {"/MOVIES" 1 1 3 240 360} {"/TVEPS" 1 1 3 120 240} {"/0DAY/????" 1 1 3 1200 1440}}
set anuke(banned,sections) {{"/APPS" 1 1 3 1 120} {"/0DAY" 1 1 3 1 120}}
set anuke(allowed,sections) {{"/DTB" 1 1 3 0 60}}
hope this helps you somehow.