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Old 04-24-2003, 11:34 AM   #1
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Default Multi-scheduling

Any thought of implementing scheduling for more than one time. I run a game server that creates stats on a game to game basis. It creates html files as output and i fxp the html files once a day using the scheduler to an ftp that i use for a webpage. It would be more helpful if i could schedule the logs to be fxped 4-8 times a day instead of one so i get more hits from people checking their stats and not just hits once a day but I'm usually away from my comp and not able to schedule any other times ( yes i know putting 4 flashfxps up would solve the problem but i wanted a simpler way with just using one instance of the progarm ). Just wanted to know if this could be implemented.

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Old 04-24-2003, 01:05 PM   #2
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The ideal solution is to use an external scheduler application that will launch FlashFXP every time you need to transfer a queue. Complete details can be found in the command line section of the help file.
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