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Old 10-03-2002, 06:04 AM   #1
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Default Transfer Time Out and Connect Time Out

You allow the user to specify the connection timeout in seconds, and I assume under transer that "Stop and Resume if no data received" is the transfer time out. Well the lowest value is 1 minute. I am noticing that on some sites I frequent, that when a transfer timout occurs that enough time has passed for me logon to the site to dissapear then I have to wait to get back on. Could this be changed from minutes to seconds?
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Old 10-03-2002, 11:43 AM   #2
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It's difficult to detect a real stall when dealing with values less than 1 minute. Simply due to the nature of the internet, A transfer may appear stalled and then a start back up again.

If the connection stalls you should still be connected to the ftp server, The data connection isn't broken until the 'stop and restart' is triggered. If you're actually loosing connection to the ftp server then this should be detected differently and FlashFXP should automatically reconnect.
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Old 10-03-2002, 12:54 PM   #3
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Default Reconnecting

FlashFXP is reconnecting in this situation. I was just wondering, if that it broke the connection earlier and retried, would it still of lost the connection to ftp making it necessary for FlashFXP to reconnect at all. This is a problem on servers where many use a single group logon account to access data. I may get half the file I was looking for and then have to wait 3 hours to get the other half.

It might be interesting to allow it with a warning dialouge to the user. Worst case scenario is a little overuse of the APPE and REST commands.
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Old 10-03-2002, 01:04 PM   #4
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Without being able to see both sides of the connection it's hard to make that type of judgement..

It's not possible to simply allow it, all of the code is based on minutes. It would not be pratical to make this change at this time.
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passed, seconds, time, timout, transfer

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