FlashFXP: Help File (Online Edition)

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     Secure file listing
When checked, enables the encryption on file listings.


     Secure File Transfers
When checked, enables the encryption of file transfers.

     Secure site to site transfers (not supported by all servers)
When checked, enables encryption of site to site transfers on remote servers.

     Turn off fingerprinting checking on data connection
When checked, this turns off a routine which provides a security check to verify that the data connection is coming from the same server. 
Some FTP servers that use virtual FTP sites (multiples sites within a single site) need this option checked.

     After login use Clear Command Channel
When checked, connection and login information is encrypted. All FTP commands after login, are sent in clear text. The FTP listing and file transfers are either, encrypted or not encrypted according to the settings in the site manager. Enabling CCC can resolve problems when trying to use SSL and connecting in PORT mode from behind a NAT firewall. Not all servers support this feature.

     Use Compression
When checked, compression is enabled.


This allows you to define a custom OpenSSL Cipher String which allows you to change the cipher priority.

Server Certificate

This allows you to view the stored server certificate details for the site.

This allows you to remove the stored server certificate for the site. When connecting to the site after a reset you will be prompted to accept & save the server certificate it again.

Last modified: Tuesday, January 24, 2017

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