Server File Search dialog
Search for item(s) on the server based on name, time, and size. This is useful when you aren't sure exactly where to find a file on a server.
Search Tab
Enter in a file pattern to search for, wild cards are supported.
Use the drop down menu to select previous searches.
Look in
Path on the server to search for files in.
The name of the server that will be searched.
Date Tab
All files
Match files regardless of date.
Specify a range of dates that the file must fall between.
during the previous [ ] month(s)
Specify a number of most recent months for the date.
during the previous [ ] day(s)
Specify a number of most recent days for the date.
Advanced Tab
Specify the type of item to match.
Choices include All, Files Only, or Folders Only
Specify a file size that is at least or at most a certain number of kilobytes in length.
Search Depth
Specify the maximum number of nested folders to search into.
Default: 0 (no limit)
Do not follow folder links
Only search contents of real directories.
Do not search a directory if it is a link to another directory.