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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 209 Category: General / Unknown
Title: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop Status: Closed
Severity: Medium Version: 3.6 Final

Junior Member
07-19-2008, 07:36 AM
FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

My FlashFXP crashes/closes, If I do the following:

1. Start FlashFXP (Start Dir is D:\)
2. Switch to Desktop
3. Connect to a Server
4. Upload a file
5. Crash..

Addition to 2. :
It only happens, when clicking on the "Arrow" and choosing "Desktop". Then it says "Desktop" in the file path.
It don't crash, when you download something prior to upload. Then it says "C:\Users\username\Desktop" in the file path after the download.

I think this is Vista related. I use Vista Ultimate x64 German.
FlashFXP Developer
07-19-2008, 03:38 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

On Windows Vista things are a bit difficult to diagnose, under certain conditions we have seen Vista simply shutdown an application when denying access to a file.

On Vista "Desktop" and "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop" aren't treated the same, One location may show files/folders not seen in the other location. Your file permissions may also differ.

You said that if you download a file first everything works fine, but what if you change to "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop" and not "Desktop" does that work without crashing.

This problem may be specific to using "Desktop" and not "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop" because on Vista they appear to be different and Vista may think it knows best and deny access by closing FlashFXP.

I have 3 different machines running Windows Vista and neither one of them will reproduce this behavior which makes it difficult to resolve.
Junior Member
07-20-2008, 07:05 AM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Originally Posted by bigstar
You said that if you download a file first everything works fine, but what if you change to "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop" and not "Desktop" does that work without crashing.
Yes, that works without crashing.

The reason behind this is, when I download the file, the path will be corrected from "Desktop" to "C.\Users\<user>\Desktop" in the file path.(Where you can choose the drives).

My thought on this is the following:

"Desktop" is localized and has the path "C:\Benutzer\<user>\Desktop" in the Windows Internet Explorer.
Internally, the path doesn't exist. It's "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop".

I think, that is the problem. FlashFXP searches the Directory, but it doesn't exist.
I think, the fix would be, to make "Desktop" work the same way as when choosing "Rocko". Then it points directly to C:\Users\<user>\Desktop.
For better understanding, here 2 Screenshots.

FlashFXP Developer
07-22-2008, 01:26 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

When you queue a folder for upload from within "desktop" does it actually use "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop", it should actually be using the localized wording and not specifically "c:\users\"

If you could make a queue file with 2 uploads

1. an upload from "desktop"
2. an upload from "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop"

Then paste the path name field for each entry.

When I test this on the English versions of Vista both paths are identical.
Junior Member
07-23-2008, 04:58 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Well, when I go to "C:\Users\Rocko\Desktop\", and queue a file, then it works. (I use Drop & Drag.)
Path is "C:\Users\Rocko\Desktop\

When I do that from "Desktop" via drag & drop, then it crashes even before queuing it. (When I drop it at the queuing window)
But when I right click on a file, and choose "queue as" then it works, and file get added to the queue.
Path is also "C:\Users\Rocko\Desktop\
Junior Member
07-29-2008, 03:12 AM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Noticed the same here, I just cut and pasted the file into c:\ as a temp fix for this issue.
Just letting know that I had/have the same problem.

I'm using windows vista x64 btw.
FlashFXP Developer
07-29-2008, 08:22 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

I tested on Vista x64 English and I was not able to reproduce it, based on that I highly suspect it is something related to the localized version of Vista.
Junior Member
07-31-2008, 02:41 AM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Call stack

# ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
00 0017f29c 7736f26c 0082abe0 03a39380 00899d20 ntdll32!RtlpLowFragHeapFree+0x31 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
01 0017f2b0 764c3593 00950000 00000000 03a38a48 ntdll32!RtlFreeHeap+0x101 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
02 0017f2c4 7582dc2c 00950000 00000000 03a38a50 kernel32!HeapFree+0x14 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
03 0017f2d8 004db06c 7590e6f4 03a38a50 0017f308 ole32!CRetailMalloc_Free+0x1c (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
04 0017f300 005f28a5 0017f318 005f28af 0017f338 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x8d9c4
05 0017f338 005f0f52 0017f34c 005f1128 0017f390 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x1a51fd
06 0017f390 005f15c7 0082abe0 01950000 00906e00 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x1a38aa
07 0017f3ac 005f4c52 0017f528 005f4c8d 0017f3dc FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x1a3f1f
08 0017f3dc 00470094 0000bc4e 0017f584 0082abe0 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x1a75aa
09 0017f520 004cb091 0017f740 004cb09b 0017f540 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x229ec
0a 0017f540 004d6d69 004d666c 0086edf8 0017f584 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x7d9e9
0b 0017f558 004d7a64 0082abe0 0017f770 0082abe0 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x896c1
0c 0017f570 004d8bed 0017f594 0046fec3 00000000 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x8a3bc
0d 0017f578 0046fec3 00000000 0000bc4e 00042464 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x8b545
0e 0017f594 00472a3c 0017f97c 0017f770 00843f00 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x2281b
0f 0017f6f8 004d6d69 004d666c 0017f770 0086edf8 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x25394
10 0017f710 004d8b73 00000000 00230f2c 00843f00 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x896c1
11 0017f730 004d8c79 0017f768 00472553 0017f74c FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x8b4cb
12 0017f738 00472553 0017f74c 0047256b 0017f768 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x8b5d1
13 0017f768 0047efee 0000004e 00042464 0017f97c FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x24eab
14 0017f780 765b8807 000523cc 0000004e 00042464 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x31946
15 0017f7ac 765b8962 00230f2c 000523cc 0000004e user32!InternalCallWinProc+0x23
16 0017f824 765bc4b6 00000000 00230f2c 000523cc user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x109 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
17 0017f868 765bc517 01803890 00000000 00230f2c user32!SendMessageWorker+0x55b (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
18 0017f88c 74ce6e68 000523cc 0000004e 00042464 user32!SendMessageW+0x7f (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
19 0017f924 74d205b4 0099cd84 ffffff93 0017f97c comctl32!CCSendNotify+0x79e (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
1a 0017f9d4 74cf1c8d 00000000 0000001b 00000108 comctl32!CLVMouseManager::HandleMouse+0x802 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
1b 0017f9f0 74cf1364 00000000 0000001b 00000108 comctl32!CLVMouseManager::OnButtonDown+0x18 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
1c 0017fb70 74c8f0ec 00042464 00000201 00000001 comctl32!CListView::WndProc+0x935 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
1d 0017fb98 765b8807 00042464 00000201 00000001 comctl32!CListView::s_WndProc+0x4e8 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
1e 0017fbc4 765b8962 74c8f0b4 00042464 00000201 user32!InternalCallWinProc+0x23
1f 0017fc3c 765bc62c 00000000 74c8f0b4 00042464 user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x109 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
20 0017fc74 765bd163 ffff2406 00042464 00000201 user32!CallWindowProcAorW+0xa9 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
21 0017fc94 004729c0 ffff2406 00042464 00000201 user32!CallWindowProcA+0x1b (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
22 0017fcd0 004702e4 0082abe0 0082ab08 004cbcc4 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x25318
23 0017fd08 005f4fa3 0017fda8 0082abe0 0017fd38 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x22c3c
24 0017fd18 004cb06e 0017fd78 004cb09b 0017fd38 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x1a78fb
25 0017fd38 004d6d69 004d666c 0086edf8 0017fda8 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x7d9c6
26 0017fd50 004d7a64 00000000 00230ef8 0082abe0 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x896c1
27 0017fd68 004d8bed 0017fda0 00472553 0017fd84 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x8a3bc
28 0017fd70 00472553 0017fd84 0047256b 0017fda0 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x8b545
29 0017fda0 0047efee 00000201 00000001 0108001b FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x24eab
2a 0017fdb8 765b8807 00042464 00000201 00000001 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x31946
2b 0017fde4 765b8962 00230ef8 00042464 00000201 user32!InternalCallWinProc+0x23
2c 0017fe5c 765b8aad 00000000 00230ef8 00042464 user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x109 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
2d 0017fec0 765b9100 00230ef8 00000001 0017ff3c user32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x380 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
2e 0017fed0 00487b68 0017fef0 0017ff00 00000000 user32!DispatchMessageA+0xf (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
2f 0017ff3c 006d3802 0017ff50 006d383a 0017ff88 FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x3a4c0
30 0017ff88 764ce3f3 7efde000 0017ffd4 773bcfed FlashFXP!madTraceProcess+0x28615a
31 0017ff94 773bcfed 7efde000 541f9430 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
32 0017ffd4 773bd1ff 006d1f80 7efde000 00000000 ntdll32!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x23 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])
33 0017ffec 00000000 006d1f80 7efde000 00000000 ntdll32!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

This should give you an idea where it's happening.
Using v3.7.2.1269 beta

ModLoad: 00000000`748e0000 00000000`748f0000 MSOHEV.DLL
ModLoad: 00000000`748e0000 00000000`748f0000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\msohevi.dll
ModLoad: 00000000`03730000 00000000`037cb000 iexplore.exe
ModLoad: 00000000`03730000 00000000`037cb000 iexplore.exe
ModLoad: 00000000`03e50000 00000000`03f2d000 image00000000`03e50000
ModLoad: 00000000`03b30000 00000000`03c0d000 image00000000`03b30000
(261c.21c4): Unknown exception - code 0eedfade (first chance)
(261c.21c4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00000000`7736f897 8b4604 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+4] ds:002b:ffffffff`a27f18fc=????????
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for FlashFXP.exe -

Function where it's occuring:

00000000`7736f86b 8bff mov edi,edi
00000000`7736f86d 55 push ebp
00000000`7736f86e 8bec mov ebp,esp
00000000`7736f870 83ec28 sub esp,28h
00000000`7736f873 53 push ebx
00000000`7736f874 56 push esi
00000000`7736f875 57 push edi
00000000`7736f876 8d7af8 lea edi,[edx-8]
00000000`7736f879 807f0705 cmp byte ptr [edi+7],5
00000000`7736f87d 0f8466900300 je ntdll32!RtlpLowFragHeapFree+0x14 (773a88e9)
00000000`7736f883 8b07 mov eax,dword ptr [edi]
00000000`7736f885 8bf7 mov esi,edi
00000000`7736f887 c1ee03 shr esi,3
00000000`7736f88a 33f0 xor esi,eax
00000000`7736f88c 3335a0004277 xor esi,dword ptr [ntdll32!RtlpLFHKey (774200a0)]
00000000`7736f892 897dfc mov dword ptr [ebp-4],edi
00000000`7736f895 33f1 xor esi,ecx
00000000`7736f897 8b4604 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+4] ds:002b:ffffffff`a27f18fc=???????? <<---- ERROR HERE
00000000`7736f89a 8945f4 mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],eax
00000000`7736f89d c6470780 mov byte ptr [edi+7],80h
00000000`7736f8a1 c6470600 mov byte ptr [edi+6],0
00000000`7736f8a5 8b5e08 mov ebx,dword ptr [esi+8]
00000000`7736f8a8 8b4e0c mov ecx,dword ptr [esi+0Ch]
00000000`7736f8ab 895de0 mov dword ptr [ebp-20h],ebx
00000000`7736f8ae 83c301 add ebx,1
00000000`7736f8b1 894de4 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],ecx
00000000`7736f8b4 83d101 adc ecx,1
Junior Member
09-04-2008, 03:54 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Originally Posted by Rocko
My FlashFXP crashes/closes, If I do the following:

1. Start FlashFXP (Start Dir is D:\)
2. Switch to Desktop
3. Connect to a Server
4. Upload a file
5. Crash..

Addition to 2. :
It only happens, when clicking on the "Arrow" and choosing "Desktop". Then it says "Desktop" in the file path.
It don't crash, when you download something prior to upload. Then it says "C:\Users\username\Desktop" in the file path after the download.

I think this is Vista related. I use Vista Ultimate x64 German.
I am also on Windows Vista Ultimate x64 German.

I wasn't able to reproduce your crash.

I started FlashFXP.
I clicked the arrow in the left local window and selected "Desktop" (first entry).
I now clicked the connection icon on the right window. Connected to a server and I was able to upload a file from Desktop (Rightclick -> Transfer and Drag&Drop is working for me).

I tried FlashFXP v3.7.3 build 1280 [BETA]
Junior Member
09-07-2008, 12:15 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Where to get the newest beta?

Well, you can't do "Transfer" first, because this works. Flashfxp then switch to C:\Users\<user>\Desktop.
You must first use the drag&drop, then it crashes!
Junior Member
09-07-2008, 02:42 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Originally Posted by Rocko
Where to get the newest beta?
I got it from here: http://download.flashfxp.com/beta/ffxp3.7.3.1280.zip

Well, you can't do "Transfer" first, because this works. Flashfxp then switch to C:\Users\<user>\Desktop.
You must first use the drag&drop, then it crashes!
I tried both. I restarted FlashFXP after I tried the first one.

But, could you please explain where you see the switch to "C:\Users..."?
Junior Member
09-07-2008, 03:04 PM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Still not fixed in .1280.

Well, look Screenshots from Post 3.
Junior Member
09-15-2008, 07:30 AM
Re: FlashFXP crash on Vista - Crash when upload from Desktop

Couldn't you do anything with my debug info ?
Btw I'm using a DELL OEM vista x64 EN.
Perhaps the OEM has something to do with it, although I doubt it.

Perhaps the other people with this problem could verify if they use OEM or not ?

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