ok 1st at all thx adict

look cool!
atm i have no bugs to report.
that what should work does here.
i found out that the icon top right enabled keeps ioGui @ top of desktop )maybe u could add an inditifier like "always on top"
sorting in userlist and grouplist works fine incl 9 < 10 without leading 0 in "09"
sort on speed in activity list is not possivble (yet)? (other sortings in user/grp list...?)
dns reslolve

browser works good.
stats seem to be not implemented.
settings "config rehash" button works with success output in console window.
data ip looks nice... is that for fxp transfers?
possible to integrate complete filesize? its only useful in dl (with % maybe) dunno what to do to let the server on upload know how big file is.
thats all from here