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Old 12-14-2003, 02:03 PM   #1
FlashFXP Registered User
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Default 5.4.x config sample

I've done major changes to config layout in 5.4.0. And as promised, socket buffer sizes are definable in config.

Double_Click =
Hide_Tray = False

Process_Priority = High # Suggested process base priority (Idle/Normal/High/Realtime)
Io_Threads = 3 # Number of io threads
Worker_Threads = 10 # Number of worker threads
Encryption_Threads = 2 # Number of encryption threads
TCL_Interpreters = 5 # Number of tcl interpreters (executed within worker threads)

MessageCache_Size = 1000 # Amount of message files to cache
DirectoryCache_Size = 1000 # Amount of directories to cache per cache bucket (8 buckets)
Device_Concurrency = 5 # Maximum simultanous io operations per device
Upload_PreAllocation = 0 #

User_Id_Table = ..\etc\UserIdTable
Group_Id_Table = ..\etc\GroupIdTable
Hosts_Rules = ..\etc\Hosts.Rules

User_Files = ..\users
Group_Files = ..\groups
Log_Files = ..\logs
Cache_Files = ..\cache

Default_Vfs = ..\etc\default.vfs
Environment = ..\etc\ioftpd.env

##################### DEVICES ########################
# [Device Name]
# Host = <Host/IP> # External host. Address shown to clients. ( = any local ip)
# Ports = <Begin-End> # Ports to use for data transfers. May contain comma seperated list of port ranges.
# Random = <True/False> # Use ports in random order
# Bind = <Host/IP> # Internal host. If specified, connections are bound to this address instead of HOST.
# Global_Inbound_Bandwidth = <kB/s> # Limit overall inbound speeds
# Global_Outbound_Bandwidth = <kB/s> # Limit overall outbound speeds
# Client_Inbound_Bandwidth = <kB/s> # Limit client inbound speeds
# Client_Outbound_Bandwidth = <kB/s> # Limit client outbound speeds

Host =
Ports = 1024-2048
Random = True
;Global_Inbound_Bandwidth = 1000
;Global_Outbound_Bandwidth = 1000
;Client_Inbound_Bandwidth = 100 [*registered version*]
;Client_Outbound_Bandwidth = 50 [*registered version*]
;Bind =

################## END OF DEVICES ####################

##################### SERVICES #######################

Type = FTP
Device_Name = Any
Port = 9999
Description = My FTP Service
User_Limit = 10
Allowed_Users = *
Messages = ..\text\ftp

### Encryption ###
Require_Encrypted_Auth = !*
Require_Encrypted_Data = !*
Certificate_Name =
Explicit_Encryption = True
Encryption_Protocol = SSL3
Min_Cipher_Strength = 128
Max_Cipher_Strength = 256
#Max_Cipher_Strength = 384

### IDNT command handler ###
Get_External_Ident = True

### Traffic Balancing ###
;Data_Devices =
;Random_Devices = True

Type = Telnet
Device_Name = Any
Port = 10001
Description = My Telnet Service
User_Limit = 10
Allowed_Users = T !*
Messages = ..\text\telnet

Type = HTTP
Device_Name = Any
Port = 10000
Description = My HTTP Service
User_Limit = 50
Allowed_Users = H !*
Messages = ..\text\http
Certificate_Name =
Explicit_Encryption = False
Encryption_Protocol = SSL3
Min_Cipher_Strength = 128
Max_Cipher_Strength = 384

################## END OF SERVICES ###################

Active_Services = FTP_Service Telnet_Service HTTP_Service

Nagle = False # Enable/Disable TCP Nagle algorithm
Ident_Timeout = 5 # Set ident timeout (seconds)
Hostname_Cache_Duration = 1800 # Seconds cached hostname is valid
Ident_Cache_Duration = 120 # Seconds cached ident is valid
Connections_To_Ban = 1000000 #
Ban_Counter_Reset_Interval = 30 #
Temporary_Ban_Duration = 1200 # Seconds host remains banned
Internal_Transfer_Buffer = 65536 # Internal transfer buffer size
Scheduler_Update_Speed = NORMAL # Socket scheduler update speed (HIGH/NORMAL/LOW/DISABLED)

Idle_TimeOut = 120
Login_Attempts = 3
Login_TimeOut = 15
;Socket_Send_Buffer = 4096
;Socket_Recv_Buffer = 1024
;Transfer_Buffer = 65536
;DataSocket_Nagle = False
;DataSocket_Send_Buffer = 32684
;DataSocket_Recv_Buffer = 32684

Idle_TimeOut = 120
Login_TimeOut = 15
;Socket_Send_Buffer = 4096
;Socket_Recv_Buffer = 1024

Transfer_Timeout = 180
Executable = *.exe *.com *.cgi *.php *.php3 *.bat
;Socket_Send_Buffer = 16384
;Socket_Recv_Buffer = 16384

## Maximum of 10 different credit sections ##
# <alias> = <credit section #> <path>
# <alias> = <credit section #> <stats section #> <path>

Home = 0 1 /home/*
Default = 0 *

# Default attributes for files & directories
# Required Parameters: <filemode> <owner uid>:<owner gid>

Default_Directory_Attributes = 755 0:0
Default_File_Attributes = 644 0:0

# Command specific rules
Modify_Stats_On_Delete = False

# Detailed permissions for directories
# priviledge = <virtual path> <rights>
Upload = * *
Resume = * *
Download = * *
MakeDir = * *
RemoveOwnDir = * *
RemoveDir = * 1VM
Rename = * 1VM
RenameOwn = * *
Overwrite = * 1VM
Delete = * 1VM
DeleteOwn = * *
NoStats = * =lSpeed !*
ShowActivity = /private/* -ioFTPD !*
ShowActivity = * !A *

WeeklyReset = Sunday
MonthlyReset = 1st

# Scheduler
# Event = <minutes> <hours> <day of week> <day of month> Command
# Internal Commands:
# &Reset : Resets upload/download counters
# &Service_Update : Reloads devices and Restarts services, if bind ip of service has changed
Reset = 0 0 * * &Reset
Service_Update = 10,30,50 * * * &Service_Update
ioA-Weekly = 1 0 1 * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe weeklyset

;OnUploadError =
;OnUploadComplete = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
;OnDownloadError =
;OnDownloadComplete =
;OnResume =
;OnUpload =
;OnNewDir =
;OnDelDir =
;OnLogIn =
;OnServerStart =
;OnServerStop =
;OnServiceStart =
;OnServiceStop =

OnUpload = TCL ..\scripts\ZipScript-TCL\postcheck.itcl up
OnResume = TCL ..\scripts\ZipScript-TCL\postcheck.itcl up

;MessageVariableModule = ..\modules\cookie.dll
;UserModule = ..\modules\networkuser.dll
;GroupModule = ..\modules\networkgroup.dll
;EventModule = ..\modules\eventmodule.dll

dele = %TCL ..\scripts\ZipScript-TCL\zipscript-tcl.itcl beforedel "%[$path]" "%[$pwd]" "%[$creditsection]"
;list =
;stor =
;mkd =

;mkd =
;rmd =
;stor =
;dele =

## SITE <trigger> <parameters>
# trigger = !file # Show file
# trigger = @string # Alias
# trigger = EXEC script.exe # Execute file.exe
# trigger = %EXEC script.exe # Execute file.exe (translate cookies)
# trigger = TCL script.itcl # Execute file.itcl
## Examples
# welcome = !..\text\ftp\welcome.msg
# rehash = @config rehash
# exec = EXEC ..\scripts\exec.bat
# myinfo = %TCL ..\scripts\whoami.itcl %[$user]
# cat = TCL ..\scripts\showfile.itcl
#TCL = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
TCL = TCL ..\scripts\bottalk.itcl
BAT = EXEC ..\scripts\test.bat

hello = EXEC d:\ioFTPD\site\bin\hello.bat


## SITE <cmd> ##
# 'M' - MASTER
adduser = 1GM
deluser = 1GM
renuser = 1M
gadduser = 1GM
grpadd = 1M
grpdel = 1M
grpren = 1M
chgrp = 1M
kick = 1M
addip = 1GM
delip = 1GM
passwd = !A *
stats = !A *
tagline = !A *
swho = !A *
chmod = !A *
chown = MV
chattr = MV
config = M
uinfo = 1GM
users = 1GM

adduser = 1GM
deluser = 1GM
renuser = 1M
gadduser = 1GM
grpadd = 1M
grpdel = 1M
grpren = 1M
kick = 1M
addip = 1GM
delip = 1GM
chmod = !A *
chown = MV
chattr = MV
list = *
cd = *
passwd = *
stats = *
tagline = *
swho = *
chgrp = 1M
config = M
uinfo = 1GM


admingroup = 1M
credits = 1M
flags = 1M
groupdescription = 1M
groupslots = 1M
groupvfsfile = M
homedir = 1GM
logins = 1M
passwd = 1GM
ratio = 1GM
stats = M
tagline = 1GM
showjobs = M
speedlimit = 1GM
vfsfile = M

users = 1GM
uinfo = 1GM
addip = 1GM
delip = 1GM
config = M

On Windows 2003 using default settings, my p4 1.8ghz, 512mb gives output speed of ~80mb/sec.

ftp> get image.nrg nul
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Image.nrg.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 85964896 bytes received in 1,08Seconds 79450,00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> get image.nrg nul
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Image.nrg.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 85964896 bytes received in 1,05Seconds 81715,68Kbytes/sec.
ftp> get image.nrg nul
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Image.nrg.
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 85964896 bytes received in 1,06Seconds 80946,23Kbytes/sec.
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Old 12-14-2003, 02:06 PM   #2
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ioA-Weekly = 1 0 1 * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe weeklyset

Now we catch u testing scripts!
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Old 12-14-2003, 02:09 PM   #3
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I hacked him and installed it
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Old 12-14-2003, 02:47 PM   #4
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i hacked WarC and typed that
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Old 12-14-2003, 05:17 PM   #5
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Old 02-07-2005, 07:56 AM   #6
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funny thread
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1gm, download, ftp, fxp, upload

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