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Old 09-07-2009, 02:30 AM   #1
FlashFXP Registered User
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 32
Default ioFTPD Killed itself ...

Hi, first of all - excuse my poor english

ioFTPD Killed itself when create 2 or more lines in the default.vfs

I've downloaded the latest version 7.0.1 - I did not edit anything/load any scripts, etc.. except for that default.vfs because I like to go thru step by step to get it right. - I've been doing this for a while which never had problems on older version of ioFTPD (6.9.3) but this new one is killing me ( I'm starting to see some bold in my hair now! )

Ok, here's how my default.vfs suppose to look like

ioFTPD crashes, so when I removed the 2nd line - it works perfectly fine without any errors/crashes. Now, this what make me thinks that the path is incorrect so I double check but it was all correct!

Had a play around, decided to make a new file (staff.vfs) with the same 2 lines as above and kept the default.vfs to point to the root (1 line only). Ran ioFTPD without any problems - even I just finally added a new user for the first time and point this user to the staff.vfs which works fine.

I just don't want to make multiple .vfs's or is that's the only choice I have to do?

Here's my CRASH-Log.txt
Mon Sep 07 07:50:19 2009 - ioFTPD v7.0.1
Unhandled exception: Access Violation (0xC0000005)
Address: 0x77E61675 [attempting to write data to 0x00000002]
PID=800, PATH=C:\ioFTPD\system\ioFTPD.exe
Thread ID: 5960

System information:
Processor #0 Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz
Processor #0 Identifier: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
OS: Windows 5.2 (build 3790)
Registry: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
Decoded: Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition - Service Pack 2
Page size: 4096

[00400000 - 004e8000]: C:\ioFTPD\system\ioFTPD.exe (v7.0.1.0)
[7c800000 - 7c8c2000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll (v5.2.3790.4455)
[77e40000 - 77f42000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll (v5.2.3790.4480)
[71c00000 - 71c17000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2_32.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[77ba0000 - 77bfa000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll (v7.0.3790.3959)
[71bf0000 - 71bf8000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ws2help.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[7d1e0000 - 7d27c000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll (v5.2.3790.4455)
[77c50000 - 77cef000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll (v5.2.3790.4502)
[76f50000 - 76f63000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll (v5.2.3790.4455)
[10000000 - 10105000]: C:\ioFTPD\system\tcl85t.dll (v8.5.2.7)
[77380000 - 77411000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll (v5.2.3790.4033)
[77c00000 - 77c49000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll (v5.2.3790.4396)
[761b0000 - 76243000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\crypt32.dll (v5.131.3790.3959)
[76190000 - 761a2000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msasn1.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[77b90000 - 77b98000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[76290000 - 762ad000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\imm32.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[03000000 - 03121000]: C:\ioFTPD\system\dbghelp.dll (v6.11.1.404)
[4b3c0000 - 4b410000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[75e60000 - 75e87000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[4dc30000 - 4dc5e000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTFIME.IME (v5.2.3790.3959)
[77670000 - 777a9000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[7c8d0000 - 7d0cf000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll (v6.0.3790.4315)
[77da0000 - 77df2000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll (v6.0.3790.3959)
[77420000 - 77523000]: C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.3790.3959_x-ww_D8713E55\comctl32.dll (v6.0.3790.3959)
[76920000 - 769e2000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[71c40000 - 71c97000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll (v5.2.3790.4392)
[71b20000 - 71b61000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll (v5.2.3790.4318)
[5f270000 - 5f2ca000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[71ae0000 - 71ae8000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wshtcpip.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[76750000 - 76777000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\schannel.dll (v5.2.3790.4458)
[68000000 - 68035000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[76b70000 - 76b7b000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\psapi.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[68100000 - 68127000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dssenh.dll (v5.2.3790.3959)
[748c0000 - 748c7000]: C:\WINDOWS\system32\powrprof.dll (v6.0.3790.3959)

ID: 4504 [00130000-0012fe74]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 00455C91 -> [ioFTPD + 54C91] ProcessMessages() + 0x11
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\internalmessagehandl er.c, line 104]
# 4: 00451017 -> [ioFTPD + 50017] CommonMain() + 0x67
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\main.c, line 366]
# 5: 004511A1 -> [ioFTPD + 501A1] WinMain() + 0x71
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\main.c, line 517]
# 6: 004062C6 -> [ioFTPD + 52C6] __tmainCRTStartup() + 0x113
[f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crt0.c, line 263]
# 7: 77E6F23B -> [kernel32 + 2E23B] ? ProcessIdToSessionId() + 0x209

ID: 4724 [00ad0000-00acfed4]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041B291 -> [ioFTPD + 1A291] TimerThread() + 0x291
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\timer.c, line 135]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 5004 [00cd0000-00ccfef0]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041C458 -> [ioFTPD + 1B458] WorkerThread() + 0xA8
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 558]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 5628 [00dd0000-00dcfef0]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041C458 -> [ioFTPD + 1B458] WorkerThread() + 0xA8
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 558]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 3468 [00ed0000-00ecfef0]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041C458 -> [ioFTPD + 1B458] WorkerThread() + 0xA8
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 558]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 4384 [00fd0000-00fcfef0]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041C458 -> [ioFTPD + 1B458] WorkerThread() + 0xA8
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 558]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 3476 [010d0000-010cfef0]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041C458 -> [ioFTPD + 1B458] WorkerThread() + 0xA8
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 558]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 5028 [011d0000-011cff4c]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 0041BA90 -> [ioFTPD + 1AA90] IoThreadEx() + 0x20
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 767]
# 3: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 4628 [012d0000-012cff4c]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 0041BA90 -> [ioFTPD + 1AA90] IoThreadEx() + 0x20
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 767]
# 3: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 5732 [013d0000-013cff14]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041B994 -> [ioFTPD + 1A994] EncryptionThread() + 0x14
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 862]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 6104 [014d0000-014cff14]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E61C8D -> [kernel32 + 20C8D] ? WaitForSingleObject() + 0x12
# 3: 0041B994 -> [ioFTPD + 1A994] EncryptionThread() + 0x14
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\threads.c, line 862]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 4936 [015d0000-015cff48]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 00455E6A -> [ioFTPD + 54E6A] CreateWindowAndProcessMessages() + 0x8A
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\internalmessagehandl er.c, line 142]
# 3: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 5456 [01810000-0180fea0]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 7C80E4A2 -> [ntdll + D4A2] ? RtlSetLastWin32ErrorAndNtStatusFromNtStatus() + 0x301
# 3: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 4488 [01920000-0191fed8]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E424FD -> [kernel32 + 14FD] ? Sleep() + 0xF
# 3: 004299B5 -> [ioFTPD + 289B5] SocketSchedulerThread() + 0x4A5
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\socket.c, line 1797]
# 4: 77E6482F -> [kernel32 + 2382F] ? GetModuleHandleA() + 0xDF

ID: 5960 [01c20000-01c1ea18]
# 1: 7C82861E -> [ntdll + 2761E] ? KiIntSystemCall() + 0x6
# 2: 77E6440C -> [kernel32 + 2340C] ? MapViewOfFile() + 0x1B
# 3: 7C826D49 -> [ntdll + 25D49] ? NtClose() + 0xC
# 4: 03064DE3 -> [DbgHelp + 63DE3] ? MiniDumpReadDumpStream() + 0x76B3
# 5: 0305F95D -> [DbgHelp + 5E95D] ? MiniDumpReadDumpStream() + 0x222D
# 6: 03065D99 -> [DbgHelp + 64D99] ? MiniDumpReadDumpStream() + 0x8669
# 7: 03068679 -> [DbgHelp + 67679] ? MiniDumpReadDumpStream() + 0xAF49
# 8: 7C8277B9 -> [ntdll + 267B9] ? ZwReadVirtualMemory() + 0xC
# 9: 77E4233D -> [kernel32 + 133D] ? ReadProcessMemory() + 0x1B
#10: 03065561 -> [DbgHelp + 64561] ? MiniDumpReadDumpStream() + 0x7E31
#11: 03065610 -> [DbgHelp + 64610] ? MiniDumpReadDumpStream() + 0x7EE0
#12: 0303CA83 -> [DbgHelp + 3BA83] ? SymEnumSourceFilesW() + 0x103
#13: 0045550B -> [ioFTPD + 5450B] UnhandledExceptionLogger() + 0x93B
[c:\projects\ioftpd7\7.0.1\src\iodebug.c, line 1090]
#14: 77E761B7 -> [kernel32 + 351B7] ? RemoveDirectoryA() + 0x204
#15: 77E792A3 -> [kernel32 + 382A3] ? QueryMemoryResourceNotification() + 0x12C8

Also I dunno if this might be useful for the developer
http://rapidshare.com/files/276694404/log.zip.html (got 90 days from today)

Currently I'm trying to use ioFTPD 7.0.1 which is unstable for me so far (No script loaded so far)

What works for me is ioFTPD 6.9.3 along with [STORMNFO V1.5]:[ioNiNJA.BETA.Stable.v0.8.9.6-2009-06-29]

For some reason, I'm getting errors with windrop using the sitebot that came with ioNiNJA so someone recommended me to use the latest version and that's where I'm stuck

Hope a solution soon, or new fixes in the next version?

BTW : I've tried running on several machines including VirtualBOX : Windows 2003, MainPC : Windows XP PRO SP3 and on my laptop Windows XP PRO SP3 - all gives me the same problems.

(i will keep trying to figure it out myself but till then someone give me some ideas what I did wrong, that would help me a lot.)

CoLt-[45] is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 09-08-2009, 01:34 PM   #2
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester
ioFTPD Administrator
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

I'm pretty sure this has to do with the new preloading feature and you aren't the only one seeing a problem. I'll have some time to work on this soon and will see if I can't fix it. I have this incredibly complex .vfs file to test against but perhaps the problem only happens with such a simple file like yours... Check out some suggestions in the v7 thread like DELAY=TRUE enabling to see if that helps.
Yil is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 09-08-2009, 02:43 PM   #3
FlashFXP Registered User
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 32

Yea, here what I did exactly -

1st Download ioFTPD-v7.0.1.zip (from your post)
2nd Extracted ioFTPD-v7.0.1.zip to c:\ioFTPD
3rd edit only this file c:\ioFTPD\etc\default.vfs (as shown just below)
4th Ran c:\ioFTPD\ioFTPD-Start.exe
5th Approx 1 or 2 second later, ioftpd.exe killed itself.

I just can't think how it crashes because I've not installed any scripts, touched anything (apart from that default.vfs) - it's a straight fresh from the ioFTPD-v7.0.1.zip

The only solution I got it to work is by getting that default.vfs to have 1 virtual path (as 1 line only) (as shown just below)
That doesn't crashes ioftpd.exe.

At first when it crashes, I first thought that the path was an error, then I checked the path myself and they're correct and even tho, I use my old default.vfs that I have been using for years from older ioftpd (even the registered version of ioFTPD as you can see my profile) which never gives me that problem.

The only way I have to get it to work is by creating another vfs for the multiple lines i.e. somethingelse.vfs

For that DELAY=TRUE you mentioned, I'm not quite familiar what it does exactly? - I have tried disabling it and enabling it, I can't see any different when I log on to my own FTP? - It is because I only have 1 folder (UPLOADS)?

Colt45 (aka GT4 - you can find me in #ioFTPD @ efnet for the next few days maybe weeks - or permanently! )
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Old 09-09-2009, 04:53 PM   #4
Too much time...
FlashFXP Beta Tester
ioFTPD Administrator
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

DELAY=true probably isn't noticeable with a single normal size directory. It does however totally change the behavior of preloading when more than 1 entry is in the vfs file which is why it seems to solve some people's problems. Let me know if instead of crashing it works when enabled in your config...
Yil is offline   Reply With Quote

line, v5.2.3790.3959, [ioftpd, [kernel32, [ntdll

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