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Old 11-28-2001, 03:20 PM   #1
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Angry FlashFXP misteriously loses connection

I am downloading a really fat program file, over 700mb in one .iso file. The weird thing that is happening is that when downloading completed at certain percent (in this case around 22%), FlashFXP 1.4 misteriously lost connection, and successfully reconnected. This happened 4 times in past 2 days for the same file.

What possible causes can it be?


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Old 11-28-2001, 03:36 PM   #2
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The connection between you and the ftp server was lost. This can result from many unknown possiblities.

One of which might be the following.
1. Loss of internet connectivity on the ftp server or the cleint side.
2. ftp server session time limit (some severs will disconnect you if connected for a very long period)
3. Anti-Idle on some ftp servers appears to be flawed and will sometimes disconnect you during a transfer.

The only time FlashFXP will intentionally stop the transfer is if it times out. (Stop and resume transfer if no data received for xx minutes) FlashFXP will display a message stating the transfer has timed out. In all other instances a connect lost is a result of something other than FlashFXP stoping the transfer.
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connection, downloading, file, flashfxp, misteriously

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