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Old 11-22-2001, 03:24 PM   #1
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Default FlashFXP v1.4.1

Registered users may update immediately via FlashFXP LiveUpdate. Everyone else will have to wait until we get tucows updated.

For those of you using the latest public (815) beta release, the only difference between that build and this one is added support for importing WS_FTP v5.0 sites.

v1.4.1 build 817
- Several Windows XP compatiblity issues have been addressed.
(zip file type sorted in with folders, double click a zip now opens correctly)
- Proxy servers types have been re-aranged. This should not mess up your
settings however we recommend that you verify your proxy settings.
- Add proxy support for USER proxy-user@ftp-host
- When opening a local file for edit in the internal editor, modifications
were not detected and it neglected to prompt you to save on edit.
- If the ftp server didn't support the SIZE command FlashFXP wouldn't resume.
- Resolved minor problem with editing folders in the queue editor.
- when a url is pasted into the quick connect it is now split into the seperate fields.
- The Recv/Send buffer size can now be modified. This can be done via the flashfxp.ini
I was informed by a user that increasing both values to 65536 allowed him to get 7MB/s
on network transfers. This may not work for everyone and may in fact reduce your speed.
- FlashFXP will now inform you if a queue file contains a site no longer in your Site
Mananger and removes it from the queue, or mark it failed if you have 'keep failed
transfers in queue' enabled.
- Status window should now work with all scroll wheel mice.
- Minor improvements to error handling when the connection is lost to the server during a transfer.
- The 'send noop during transfer' interval can now be changed via the FlashFXP.ini, this value is in seconds.
- File/Folder icons should now display correctly for everyone running Windows XP.
- Fixed problem with the preferences dialog growing when switching between desktops under Windows XP, when
using the Virtual Desktop PowerToy.
- Added an INI setting that allows you to disable direct saving/reloading of the FlashFXP.ini, when set
FlashFXP will save the settings on exit, rather then immedately, and will not detect changes made by
multiple instances of FlashFXP.
- Fixed the global option 'use APPE to resume uploads' when checked didn't use APPE.
- In some instances pressing the abort button did not function as intended.
- Fixed bug where quicky minimizing to tray / restoring / minimizing to tray, would sometimes
left FlashFXP hidden without a tray icon.
- Added support for importing WS_FTP v5.0 sites.
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Old 11-22-2001, 06:11 PM   #2
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Thumbs up

Great job bigstar!
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Old 11-23-2001, 01:00 AM   #3
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As long as the 815 never expires and you never use WS_FTP5, upgrading to 1.4.1 might be too much work.
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Old 11-23-2001, 04:31 AM   #4
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Too much work? blah. sounds like lazyness. However the change is very minor and doesn't justify upgrading.. It was a last minute request that we slipped in. Originally no changes were planned.
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Old 11-23-2001, 09:31 AM   #5
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press download, extract..... yeah must be too much work..

upgrading flashfxp is as easy as doing a piss.... and you dont even have to worry about hitting the bowl !
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Old 11-23-2001, 10:26 AM   #6
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Implement an automatic LiveUpdate, then we'll talk.
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Old 11-23-2001, 03:01 PM   #7
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In order to do that, it will have to be a seperate program, as it is impossible to replace an exe that is inuse.
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Old 11-23-2001, 04:21 PM   #8
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Oh, I know, but it could shut it down, update and restart itself.
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Old 11-24-2001, 03:17 AM   #9
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Originally posted by Fusion
Oh, I know, but it could shut it down, update and restart itself.
This would still require a second program to do the actual updating. unless you know something I don't?
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Old 11-24-2001, 11:47 AM   #10
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Originally posted by bigstar
This would still require a second program to do the actual updating. unless you know something I don't?
Well, there are ways to achieve this without an external program, but it would require some tinkering with the OS, ie. making use of its auto-run feature thru the registry. A separate program that does the same is by far the simplest solution. You could extract the LiveUpdate feature already there and make it the base.
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Old 11-24-2001, 12:17 PM   #11
nudey flasher
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Default Auto-update

Couldn't you somehow close flashfxp and have it kick-off an auto-extraction process which extracts the new files and reloads flashfxp?

Whats wrong with a second external program to handle this?

Isn't that your solution?

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Old 11-24-2001, 12:50 PM   #12
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Default Re: Auto-update

Originally posted by nudey flasher
Couldn't you somehow close flashfxp and have it kick-off an auto-extraction process which extracts the new files and reloads flashfxp?

Whats wrong with a second external program to handle this?

Isn't that your solution?

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Yes, you can enter a timed job that starts in 5 secs that did the unpack and restarts the exe. For Win2000/XP this is real easy, just schedule an appropriate AT-job, for the older OS' iwould require a registry-entry. You COULD use the RunOnce feature, but that would include conceeding defeat by rebooting to trigger it. Alternatively, start using that ugly Installer-service, but that would be a defeat in and of itself.
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Old 11-24-2001, 02:42 PM   #13
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Default Re: Auto-update

Originally posted by nudey flasher
Couldn't you somehow close flashfxp and have it kick-off an auto-extraction process which extracts the new files and reloads flashfxp?

Whats wrong with a second external program to handle this?

Isn't that your solution?

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Well if it's a second program, what if we need to update the updater?

Also the FlashFXP version info is all internal of FlashFXP.exe, none of this information is stored externally and there is no way to read the internal values from outside of FlashFXP.

The file version property tab stuff is not 100% correct. As I have to manually update the version info and often I forget. Especially between builds.

What if we used SFX archives? I've been thinking about buying Winrar to replace the zip archives.
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Old 11-24-2001, 08:06 PM   #14
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You could get that self-extracting addon for winzip/pkzip. I've no idea which is better/cheaper of the two, but SFX archives would help people that don't have an external unzipper, at least.
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Old 11-25-2001, 01:02 AM   #15
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I love winrar's .exe extracter as it is SO customizable..you can set it to reopen flashfxp after extraction even if you need help writing the custom routine, just let me know
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