1st of all let me say that the new help files looks awesome, seems simple to follow even for new users

KrAkEn & Slam
In options->prefs->general, set the "retry count" high, to like 100 or so.
In options->prefs->transfer, set the "restore broken transfers" high to like 100 or so.
In options->files exists rules, set FFXP to:
autoresume if file is smaller
autoskip if file is equal or larger
when you have files loaded in que, then right click in the que window to transfer files
on FTP:
if you are disconnected from the site youre connected to, FFXP will try to reconnect and resume from where you got disconnected.
on FXP:
if you are disconnected from either site youre connected to, FFXP will try to reconnect and resume from where you got disconnected.
Hope this helps ya both

It works for me, like a charm