View Full Version : [Fixed] !who problems

12-01-2004, 04:24 PM
My !who commands on chan is not working. When doing !who, sitebot will DCC but i just get a line ( +---------------------------+) and no user list.
This is how i setup iobanana.tcl

# Those dirs will be hidden from !speed and !who reports
set ioBvar(hiddendirs) "/pre* /_pre* /!ioftpd* /staff* /groups*"
# Users in those dirs will be hidden from !who report
set ioBvar(hiddenindir) "/private*"
# Those users/groups will be excluded from !bw !speed !who !uploaders !leechers and !idlers
set ioBvar(hiddenusers) "^sitebot^"
set ioBvar(hiddengroups) ""
# Hide users/groups in !bw too ?
set ioBvar(hiddenbw) 0

the above hiddendirs dont actually exist in my server so I left them.
Thanks for any help

12-03-2004, 12:46 PM
Is your sitebot actually using an account called ^sitebot^ ?
Try using a different value for this setting in ioBanana.tcl.
Also make sure the sitebot can use the SITE CID LISTBOT command and that your irc host matches some hostmask in the trusted users list.

12-04-2004, 06:54 AM
Typed sitebot as per default.
I solved the problem in the meantime, thanks.