View Full Version : [Fixed] Grou

10-05-2004, 05:45 PM
At the end of a race the user stats and group stats are displayed. I have a bug i cannot find the reason to. The MB for groups are wrong... atleast missing a few digits. User stats are correct.

[19:30] [|Bot|] [XXX] - Groups Top:
[19:30] [|Bot|] [COMPLETE] - [1] - [iND1 | 25MB/32F/48.9%/174kBps | WkUp: #2 - MonthUp: #2]
[19:30] [|Bot|] [COMPLETE] - [2] - [iND2 | 9MB/13F/19.9%/215kBps | WkUp: #3 - MonthUp: #3]
[19:30] [|Bot|] [COMPLETE] - [3] - [iND3 | 4MB/12F/17.4%/185kBps | WkUp: #4 - MonthUp: #4]
[19:30] [|Bot|] [COMPLETE] - [4] - [SiTEOP | 9MB/9F/13.8%/152kBps | WkUp: #6 - MonthUp: #6]

and the log file

10-05-2004 19:30:16 STATS: "/XXX/New.Release" "Groups Top:"
10-05-2004 19:30:16 GSTATS-B: "/XXX" "New.Release" "1" "iND1" "1525" "32" "48.9" "174" "2" "2" "0" "0" "0"
10-05-2004 19:30:16 GSTATS-B: "/XXX" "New.Release" "2" "iND2" "619" "13" "19.9" "215" "3" "3" "0" "0" "0"
10-05-2004 19:30:16 GSTATS-B: "/XXX" "New.Release" "3" "iND3" "544" "12" "17.4" "185" "4" "4" "0" "0" "0"
10-05-2004 19:30:16 GSTATS-B: "/XXX" "New.Release" "4" "SiTEOP" "429" "9" "13.8" "152" "6" "6" "0" "0" "0"

This is the line in my ioB_dZS.skin file:

set announce(GSTATS-B) "[c]3\[[c][b]COMPLETE[b][c]3\][c] - [c]3\[[c][b]%pos[b][c]3\][c] - [c]3\[[c][b]%group[b] | [c]%mbMB/%filesF/%percent%/%speedkBps\ | WkUp: #%rank1 - MonthUp: #%rank2[c]3\][c]"

10-05-2004, 06:21 PM
found the solotion myself... it was [c] that was doing it...