View Full Version : [Bug] driveroot OnDelDir event problem

04-17-2004, 08:29 PM
If I delete any given directory that isn't driveroot I get this scenario (which is all well and fine):

[L] RMD test
[L] 250-argc=4
[L] 250-Param 0 = ..\scripts\checkscript.exe
[L] 250-Param 1 = f:\[---new---]
[L] 250-Param 2 = f:\[---new---]\test
[L] 250-Param 3 = /admin/f-root/[---new---]/test/

but if i try to delete a folder, in the examples case F:\shitsdfjfsdkjlfsd, i get:

[L] RMD shitsdfjfsdkjlfsd
[L] 250-argc=2
[L] 250-Param 0 = ..\scripts\checkscript.exe
[L] 250-Param 1 = f:" f:\shitsdfjfsdkjlfsd /admin/f-root/shitsdfjfsdkjlfsd/

as you can see it's merging params 1 & 2 & 3
some scripts were crashing OnDelDir when dealing with driveroot, and I think this is the reason. Can this be looked at d1?