View Full Version : Changes to STATIC structure

05-25-2003, 06:43 PM
I am going to replace USERFILE structure in STATIC structure with UID (int) variable, as it's now possible to read USERFILEs using window messages. I will add real path of file that is being transfered & real path user is currently in.

I was also thinking of creating sources\headers directory, that contains latest versions of all neccessary headers (ones that were used to build io) to make it as easy as possible to adapt scripts to possible changes in io.


05-26-2003, 03:10 AM
Ok then I have to rewrite SiteKill a bit... I already had a complete user and group reader myself that works quite well with io 4.6.2 and so. Could you pleeeeaaaase put a version info string in ioftpd? That way a tool like sitekill can check the version number in ioftpd.exe and adapt itself internally upon the version of io..
if (strcmp(ioFTPDVersion,"4.6.2")<0){