View Full Version : Resorting MP3 symlink

05-19-2005, 02:36 AM
Hi guys,
i use pSio as sfv checker.

i have this structure of folders:

when i up on dated dir in /MP3 it creates the correct Sorte.by dirs (Artist, genre, year).
but when i move dated dirs to the ARCHIVE (or by hand or by a script) it don't update symlink of Sorted dir.

There's a script that can REMAKE all symlink scanning all the dir?

05-19-2005, 09:19 AM
ioBanana's SITE MOVERLS command updates the symlinks. But, it looks like you've already moved the dirs and it's too late for this. I suggest mp3sortdb.exe which is part of the symlinks updaters. It will scan your mp3 dirs and (re)create all the symlinks.

<off topic>1000 posts and still glad to help :D</off topic>