View Full Version : bounty's dZSbot

  1. NEW dZSbot released
  2. Error with dzsbot in windrop
  3. Public undupe in DzsBot ?
  4. dZSbot and windrop 1.6.13 problem
  5. Problem with DZSBot
  6. Windrop & dzsBot taking 100% CPU
  7. Dzsbot
  8. dZSbot problem
  9. dZSbot userinfo?
  10. dZSBot and !sitefree
  11. Making iozs newday work right with dzsbot newdate announce?
  12. Undupe works from command line but not through dzsbot .. help!
  13. dZSbot problem
  14. dzsbot problem with df.exe
  15. dZS announce problem
  16. dzsbot problem
  17. dZSbot error
  18. dZsbot Annonces
  19. exclude announcing of dirs in irc
  20. df.exe
  21. Folder Problem
  22. IMDB accounce dont work anymore?!?
  23. imdb.exe
  24. dZSbot by B0unTy
  25. dZS and ioZS - Racing
  26. Dzsbot not annoucing pre's ?
  27. Dzsbot imdb problem
  28. ioZS announcing bug [DEFAULT]
  29. Dzsbot-french
  30. Problem with DZSbot by bounty, please help
  31. Automatic stat with dZSbot
  32. mIRC Dupecheck for dZSbot
  33. pre'ing problem with dzsbot
  34. Some Problems with DZSbot
  35. Newdir 3.* Don't Work With Php_psio And Project-zs
  36. dzsbot prob
  37. problem about dZSbot 1.0+ with sitewho(Addict)
  38. editing dZSbot.tcl adding color to announce commands in mIRC
  39. Help on dzbot TCl error
  40. problem with dzsbot or ioa, not sure :/, regarding pre'ing
  41. Not working: !leechers, !bw, ....
  42. i have problems lol :(
  43. humm an other question :P
  44. what this pb ?
  45. dzsbot doesn't capture triggers in chan
  46. ERROR: "user_file" is not a valid file. (dZsbot)
  47. dZSbot V. help ...
  48. problems : halfway announce and race stats from dszbot
  49. Problem with dZSbot 1.07
  50. TCL Error
  51. :(
  52. dszbot problem : %tsizeMB/%fsizeMB (%progress%)
  53. !bnc problem
  54. HELP: dzBot(110) + ioA 1.0.7 + newdate annoucement!
  55. dZsbot problems
  56. Dzsbot prob with nuke
  57. Problem With Dzsbot
  58. can't find anounce entry...
  59. Problem :|
  60. Site bot rehashing
  61. Custom dZSbot irc outputs
  62. Xtreme slow response for some !commands..
  63. Trouble gettingdZSbot to work with ShareDB
  64. Prob
  65. !sitenew
  66. dZSbot Trigger's Don't Work
  67. don't want activities in privte dirs to announce in chan
  68. Trouble with a few triggers
  69. ioA Request and dzs sitebot
  70. Folder Problem i think
  71. one question...
  73. aaarrr announce problems
  74. Doesn't Announce .nfo and imdb
  75. !reqfilled and !reqdel announce in public chan instead of notice
  76. Problem with IMDB
  77. ioa+dzsbot, nuke announces multiple times
  78. checklist to get dirs to post to irc?
  79. which zipscript do u use?
  80. Release Time?
  81. PREiNFO script....
  82. Can't do !sitefree
  83. DZSB0t dont anounce BW correctly?
  84. Announce pre mp3/0day on the principal chan (dZSbot)
  85. !Sections req for dzsbot
  86. allow commands only from specific chan
  87. some stupid problems
  88. NeeD SomE HelP PleasE
  89. doesn´t create imdb dir
  90. get tcl error
  91. !speed <user> !bw !idlers !uploaders @ dzbot
  92. announce "error"
  93. simple question
  94. Sitename problem
  95. getrules with DzsBoT
  96. Dzbot Custom...
  97. who have dzsbot.tcl example?
  98. dZSbot TCL Error with sitewho.exe
  99. dzsbot timeout
  100. Stats gl style
  101. dZSbot announce errors
  102. Won't load correct path for sitewho templates, help
  103. dZSbot not announcing bw etc
  104. request folders
  105. Install dZSbot
  106. How to increase speed on dZSbot's output?
  107. Encrypter Text
  108. %USER is downloading.....
  109. ioDiskspace spurce code or some help ?!
  110. Bot timeout.
  111. Broblem solved.
  112. Question about cookies %release etc
  113. /msg invite problem
  114. /msg problem
  115. BNC trigger not working for me
  116. Problem with loading included imdb.tcl
  117. imdb announces twice in channel
  118. !reqfilled number problem
  119. stats edit?
  120. Announce Redirect
  121. !approve & !incomplete
  122. Different colors for different sections in dZSbot.tcl
  123. Feature request html-stat
  124. !incomplete and tag stripping
  125. Announce problem
  126. !getnfo with dZsbot..
  127. no speed, no uploaders etc... AH
  128. nuke from irc ?
  129. Removing idlers: line
  130. Multi Lines
  131. Problem with ncftpls.exe
  132. Problem with announce imdb.
  133. announce exception
  134. news annunce
  135. %pwd cookie for dzsBot.tcl
  136. [Question]-RANDOMIZING OUTPUT but with ZS for Announce Messages
  137. Question agin about RANDOMIZING OUTPUT...
  138. dZSbot - No Announce
  139. Problem with nuke unnuke
  140. checking files but dont announce
  141. very annoying imdb problem..
  142. eggdrop can't load dzsbot.tcl
  143. no spam.........
  144. bcn dosent work
  145. Problems with UploadComplete dZSbot vs Iobanana
  146. ircstats
  147. Problem with WIPE and COMPLETE
  148. dzbot variable time?
  149. expecting time
  150. execute a command after a sfv arrives
  151. problem loading at first time
  152. freespace trig problem
  153. dzsbot chann loggin
  154. Hide users from login announce
  155. Problem with Free and Leechers
  156. Is this goin to be reupped?
  157. !prestats ? :-)
  158. Tcl error [proc_decryptcmd]
  159. !allup etc announce in channel
  160. Fish
  161. Where is possible Download the last version of dZSbot?
  162. cookie that tells deleted dir space
  163. Dont Announce Section On PRE
  164. IRCSTATS and imDB
  165. 2 copies of io running
  166. weird ircstats error
  167. Site invite cmd to dZSbot, we need it!
  168. dZSbot
  169. Problem with Requests
  170. sitewho/uptime/diskfree/etc
  171. package require http 2.3 error
  172. dszbot commands not working
  173. REQUEST problem with the user
  174. error on newdir
  175. pinvite ?
  176. Problem with dZSbot with !free
  177. Very Annoying nfourl problem
  178. Iobanana and Dzbot
  179. Problem getting dzsbot to start
  180. msgreplace in DZSBOT?
  181. Editing paths
  182. Dir on two comp
  183. dszbot, ioa and pre announcing
  184. Gettin Error Message No Matter What..
  185. !bw !speed command always show user not online or no incoming / outgoing speeds
  186. do not support announce error and sysop log?
  187. dZsbot problems
  188. iRC trigger
  189. dzsbot and imdb
  190. cts.reloaded problem
  191. !imdb announcing doesnt work
  192. Problem with REQUEST
  193. IMDB announce when upload
  194. Announce on IRC When rls upload is complete...
  195. Problem with comands in irc channel
  196. Fix to show correct user who do REQUEST in IRC
  197. site prestats
  198. Help with downloading
  199. !cmds wont work, race announces works tho
  200. dZSbot/eggdrop dies without an error
  201. weird bot announce on totalspeed
  202. Files remaining parameter in ioNINJA
  203. searching dZSbot theme files
  204. FTP Connection problems