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Old 12-20-2004, 06:00 AM  
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 12
Default [Prob] ioA --> 3 questions ...

Heya all .

1 question :

when I'm tring to PRE something , I get this Error massage:

[R] 200--[Pre]-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- Not valid PRE group
[R] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[R] 200- ioA execution time: 93ms
[R] 200 Command successful.

2 question :

how can I do in my ioFTPD that when someone will move directors etc .. he will saw something like that:
[L] 226- [Ul: 8601.8MB] [Dl: 1.4MB] [Speed: 0.00K/s] [Free: 48593MB]
[L] 226  [Section: DEFAULT] [Credits: 24438.9MB] [Ratio: 1:3]

3 question:
when I'm connecting to my ioFTPD I see:
[R] Connecting to -> PORT=xxxx
[R] Connected to
[R] 220 FTP Server ready.
[R] USER *
[R] 331 Password required for (.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] ====================
[R] # of arguments: 6
[R] [0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[R] [1]=alert
[R] [2]=2
[R] [3]=FTP_Service
[R] [4]=PASS
[R] [5]=my pass putted here
[R] ====================
hmm what is this :?

every cmd that I execute on my ioFTPD it shows me this sh*t .. :

[R] site pre mp3 Test.Pre-LOL
[R] 200-====================
[R] 200-# of arguments: 4
[R] 200-[0]=..\scripts\ioBanana\ioBanana.exe
[R] 200-[1]=pre
[R] 200-[2]=mp3
[R] 200-[3]=Test.Pre-LOL
[R] 200-====================
[R] 200-Value found... 
[R] 200-[0]=fill_pretime_on_pre > 0
[R] 200-ioBanana Process Time: 0 ms
[R] 200-exit: 0
[R] 200--[Pre]-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- Not valid PRE group
[R] 200------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[R] 200- ioA execution time: 94ms
[R] 200 Command successful.
how can I fix it ..?

Thanks all for you time :banana:
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