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Old 10-30-2004, 05:32 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 20

Originally posted by Harm
On pre (SITE PRE), the user who issues the command indicates the type. On MKD, you don't.
You can still guess the type using the section's name but remember that this function was designed to store pretimes (when the SITE PRE command was used) and not when the dir was created (MKD). The ability to store MKD times was added for small databases.
You wrote: You can still guess the type using the section's name
Can you give me a hint how to do that? Can i via the script(ioBanana v20) guess the selectiontype?
Do i need to hex-edit the exe file?

And one more question,
Can I make ioBanana to NOT register releases uploaded in the Request selection?
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