Thread: ioDLcount 1.0
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Old 01-02-2005, 02:57 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 203
Default NEW VERSION 1.3W -- JAN 2ND 2005

New version, 1.3 is out. I only have released version 1.3W so far. I'm pondering not releasing 1.3 of the normal version (the version that writes to .ioFTPD.ioDLcount files). I see this method as more logical. If you want the normal version, please post here and i'll compile it. for now I think this should be fine.



ADDED: in normal version (writes .ioFTPD.ioDLcount files), those files are now marked as hidden
CHANGED: only add file to DLcount store if it's been downloaded, fixes problems with filesizes being incorrect (ie: user is uploading a file while another user finishes dling a different file. ioDLcount sees the file being uploaded, gets its current size and puts it in the ioDLcount store... this is bad, it will report this size even when the file has increased in size.

CHANGED: now ioDLcount doesn't log 0 byte files, for the reason of a 0-byte file not using any BW, sending no bytes, and it
writes an unecessary line to the log
CHANGED: modified a thingy, now ioDLcount can show proper units for total bytes downloaded vs filesize:
1.05 GB in 300 transfers of 'constantines - 12 - sub domestic.mp3' (3.47 MB)

get it here:
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