USERs cant upload :(
USERs cant upload i did try to set dir to 777 and even set the default mod to 777 in the iotpd.ini file .... and still nothing works .. i can send SFV file i can send NFO file .. but the rars always get rejected ..... is there a solution to this ??
257 "/GAMES/DOX/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,11,149,59,6,166)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
226 [PWD: /GAMES/DOX/ ]-[Section: Default]-[Credits: 0.0M]-[Ratio: Unlimited]-[Speed: 29.4kb/s]
CWD /d0x/
250 Directory changed to /d0x
257 "/d0x" is current directory.
List (cached)
List Complete.
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 2 files totaling 2 KB in 12.50 (1.26 KBps)
1 File failed to transfer
421 Timeout (120 seconds): closing control connection.