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Old 04-04-2002, 09:05 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 10


I´m not sure what happens with DATA CONNECTION port if you close CONTROL CONNECTION port that becomes idle most the time.

I´m not sure if that feature in FlashFXP is closing that idle port (CONTROL CONNECTION), i will give it a try.

But keep in mind if the port is closed, when you are transfering between site-to-site, how site knows about that event?

Further, how site send a transfer complete and where? I assume server send transfer complete at that port was arranged in ftp session, but now it´s closed. What happen then?

Once again, i will give it a try and see what happen. And i just told early, most NAT Router closes iddle NAT port for security reason. It´s the main problem with this thread folks.

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