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Old 06-10-2005, 03:10 PM  
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Posts: 18

bigstar - thanks a lot, I used the new v3.2 and it worked well for me! I got the pass
Hooray for that

But I immediatelly have another request - add option "use old menu icons", because the new ones are BIGGER and I lost (on 1024x768) 1,5 line from the bigger icons compared to the v1.4, so this is bad. Size of menus should NOT grow in any way.
And perhaps this is not only the icons, also the possibility to move them are likely responsible, so another option, like in IE - LOCK the menus - should be added to preserve space on display.

Now testing the AutoResume stuff... Whoa, at least this works well now! Congratulations fox fixing this one.

Now tell me, why FlashFXP v3.2 still, like v1.4, don't remember the positions of the "Name|Size|Type|Modified" list dividers. I, personally, did not desire any crazy way of look or something, however I want to get rid of the unnecessary horizontal (!) scroling thing in 1024x768, since I did not see why it should apear there and why FlashFXP lost the settings as soon, as I move to parent directory (v1.4 did not do it that soon, it lost the list dividers settings - position - on exit or lunch extrenal proggy only )

So, if this get fixed, the icons and toolbar lock could get materializes too (smaller icons is a must!) and someone implement this comparing suggestion:
...then I consider updating Perhaps v3.3 might satisfy me?
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