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Old 03-04-2005, 12:32 AM  
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 2

My opinion is I shouldn't have to add or tweak anything on my machine to get the software to work properly. I saw the "fix" in the previous thread. Thank you for adding it here. I've been in contact with Corey at ZoneLabs ( no longer an employee as of yesterday ). But I know he has passed my comments on to Marcus who normally is good about tracking things down. I'm only seeing an issue when uploading. Downloading is fine. This has been a consitent issue since the last gold build of FlashFXP. I can in fact upload using IE. I did this yesterday with about 100MB of pictures to my blog. The FlashFXP IE plugin is install on this machine. It is when using the actual FlashFXP program / interface that I'm seeing the upload sticking. So I've found a work around. Not one I prefer to be honest.

As for random reboots with ZoneAlarm. I've seen no other reports of this. And I've definitely not seen this behavior. Currently or in the past. My guess would be this was do to with a bad install. Or a previous firewall product left some residue. For anyone who might run into this. This thread would probably be the best way to resolve the issue.

With the tone this thread seems to have taken. I guess I'll be having to give up my paid copy of FlashFXP and find a new product to use. It seems obvious that this isn't user error or some fluke. To many users are reporting seeing this for it to be that.

In a previous thread. A user suggested turning off the ZoneAlarm privacy features when using FlashFXP. I've seen no positive results in doing this.

Sometimes software companies are as bad as telcos and cable companies. Everyone wants to pass the buck instead of go the extra mile.

"Also disable the antivirus."

And I saw this suggestion in another thread. That is honestly not real wise or safe advice in this day and age. FTP software should be able to run smoothly without having to disable your chosen security product. And honestly this product use to do just that. Run smoothly with my chosen security software. It's seems rather obvious something has changed in one or both to cause an issue now.
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