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Old 12-02-2004, 10:50 AM  
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 82

1. There are already some hotkeys for the queue. Like e.g. CTRL+F, CTRL+R, CTRL+Z that will help you, once you get used to it, to control aspects of the queue mainly with hotkeys.

2. This options looks like complete bull**** to me, no kidding.

3. A good site has been configured to disconnect idle users, especially if an uncommon error has occured and the user stays idle. So today, this is mainly a server feature. If your site doesn't support it, tell their admin to use better software. Once you have been disconnected because of an error, FlashFXP can automatically reconnect and continue with the queue.

4. It's hilarious to have multiple .sfv files in one directory. If that happens, you should tell your warez friends to stop using .sfv generator scripts on their site. Maybe just stop using those lame sites at all

5. This is the only client-side feature request that looks ok to me However, it is so unimportant and the cause for these errors to happen is mainly lameness from the user side. People should learn how to transfer files, if they can't do it, again the better idea is to stop this lameness on server-side.

Not that I promote it, but if you are really into this warez kiddie crap, please stop using sites not properly configured. With a good site, most of the features that you requested are useless because the site does already the job for the client (take care of crap).
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