Thread: Skiplist
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Old 02-16-2002, 07:14 PM  
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Default Re: Skiplist

Originally posted by Bimberek
How about having a diffrent skiplist for each site. Some sites doesn't accept that, other doesn't accept other.
I think this was suggested a long time ago by me, I cant even remember the result. I think it could be a good addition to FlashFXP.

Im just not sure if it wasnt implemented due to the lack of space in the site manager or due to it possibly slowing FlashFXP down too much.

I think a main skip list in the same place like it is now should be kept, and those skips should be left on by default for every site, however in the site manager there should be an option where you can turn on a different skip list and have a seperate one for that site only, etc.

I know thats long & sounds complex, but if you dont understand it bigstar, ill explain better

Only my thought on this..
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