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Old 10-30-2004, 04:09 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 8
Default Problem with flashfxp/drftpd

First of all, the required information:

* FlashFXP v3.0.2 build 1044 Registered
* OS WinXP SP2
* Running behind a NAT/Router - SMC 2804
* ZoneAlarm Pro 5.1.033 Firewall
* Antivirus - Norton w/ latest defs
* ADSL connection

I am consistently running into a problem when connecting to drftpd version 1.1.4-stable. It seems that whenever I try to download a file from the server while using AUTH TLS or AUTH SSL, i get the following errors:

[R] List Complete: 6 KB in 1.05 seconds (6.1 KB/s)
[R] 200 Command okay
[R] PRET RETR <xxxxxxxx>
[R] 200 OK, will use <xxxx> for upcoming transfer
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (<xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>).
[R] Opening data connection IP: <xxxxxx> PORT: <xxxxxx>
[R] RETR <xxxxxxxx>
[R] Connected. Negotiating SSL session..
[R] 150 File status okay; about to open data connection from <xxxx>.
[R] error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number
[R] error:140940F5:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:unexpected record

The Final message repeats many times until I abort. As I said, I'm using the latest version of FlashFXP (got it from LiveUpdate today) and I've tried with the old (0.9.7d) OpenSSL libs as well as the recently-released 0.9.7e dlls. Zubov from #drftpd@EFnet has told me this is a problem between FlashFXP 3.x and drftpd. I was wondering if there was any sort of workaround for this problem, as it's really becoming a nuisance. I appreciate any help.
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