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Old 11-27-2001, 08:30 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 20
Question Urgent: Question Concerning Resume

I want to know more details of how the resume function of FlashFXP works. In addition, what does it mean that the remote server supports resume?

My question is more a confirmation than a question. I am paranoid asking this question, because the connection was lost I was downloading an very important program file. I want to be *absolutely* sure that the file, once downloaded, will *not* be corrupted. Else I will be forced to download this fat file again.

For example, the connection to the remote server got lost while downloading. After several attempts, Flaxsh tried successfully to reconnect the server and resumed the downloading. Visually the Progressbar, in my case, will use different colors to indicate Existing Progress and New Progress.

To make my question more concrete, the below is the log. Please note that the log has been slightly edited for privacy reason.

~~~Start of log~~~
[14:50:38] Transfer Timed Out
[14:50:38] ABOR
[14:50:54] Connection lost: Someone
[14:50:54] Attempting to Reconnect.
[14:50:54] Transfer Failed!
[14:50:57] Connecting to Someone
[14:51:18] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
[14:51:18] Delaying for 60 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
[14:52:18] Connecting to Someone #1
[14:52:42] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
[14:52:42] Delaying for 60 seconds before reconnect attempt #2
[14:53:45] Connecting to Someone #2
[14:54:06] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
[14:54:06] Delaying for 60 seconds before reconnect attempt #3
[14:55:06] Connecting to Someone #73
[14:58:45] Connected to xx.xx.xx.xx Port xxxxx
[14:58:47] 220- Someone
[14:58:47] 220-Welcome to Someone's server
~~~End of log~~~

Thank you very much for reading this long post.

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