Thread: FXP 50 Times
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Old 04-10-2014, 07:24 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 421

While this is not a specific option in FlashFXP the main part of the feature can be duplicated simply enough (this feature in FTPrush in far more robust in other parts of the command / scripting interface).

*The first method (as mentioned already) is to manually add the folder to the queue X times (ctrl+shift+q). FlashFXP refreshes both source and destination sites at the start of each iteration (due to cwd's) and will therefor see any changes between each iteration.

*The second method is to generate a .fqf (queue file) and initiate the transfer using the command line options provided. This method allows automation and will act internally the same as above.
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