Thread: ioftpd crash
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Old 10-10-2012, 12:13 AM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

There should be no reason you need to start the server in compatibility mode, and if you do you're probably asking for trouble... Do you get some sort of error immediately if you start it normally?

I'm a bit confused as to what is going on with your crash report because the thread reporting the crash isn't listed which makes things harder. I also can't tell what version of operating system you are using because compatibility mode fakes that out and returns Win XP no matter what, but I guess you probably aren't using that.

Try running it normally. If it crashes again send me a private message and I'll point you to an FTP server you can upload a compressed minidump file to and I'll be happy to examine it in more detail as crashes such as this are often easy to fix.

The one other thing you can try is to see what happens if you disable PC Tools. I have no experience with that but I see it get's loaded into the process automatically. Some tools / network monitors do that, and ioFTPD really hates when such tools try to examine network connections in that way.
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