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Old 02-03-2013, 01:00 PM  
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Originally Posted by Yil View Post
Just a note. I'm sure how jeza's outputting into the ioftpd.log file information but if you don't need to specify the location of the logs then it's probably through the EXEC module ! interface which is the probably the best way for a script to do it. However, if you run the script via window's scheduler (as I think you said) and not ioFTPD's internal scheduler it won't be able to output to the logfile and/or do anything else like set permissions, etc if it does any of that.
Seems You are right Yil, from what i see in the debug file, it does TRY to add the log to ioFTPD files, aswell as it adds it to jeza.ioFTPD.log, but whneever its ran by windows task scheduler, it ONLY adds it to jeza.ioFTPD.log, when i run it via site command, adds it fine to both.

Imo only option would be to make it add the line to ioFTPD.log the same way it does add it to jeza.ioFTPD.log. Ive even tried to change the jeza.ioFTPD.log files path in config to the ioFTPD.log, BUT the line that gets added is slightly different from what it should be ie:

[2013-02-03 17:00:01] ARCHIVE: "Archive" "Moving Gerard_Gil-Los_Pasos_Dobles-OST-2012-EiTheLMP3 from MP3 to ARCHIVE/MP3"
instead of:

02-03-2013 17:00:01 ARCHIVE: "Archive" "Moving Gerard_Gil-Los_Pasos_Dobles-OST-2012-EiTheLMP3 from MP3 to ARCHIVE/MP3"
Jeza: any chance to add the feature to specify ioFTPD path to configs and allow Your script to work fine, even if ran by Windows Task Scheduler?
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