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Old 04-22-2010, 04:16 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

It just hit me... You're using nxMyDB right pion? I'm beginning to wonder if the MySQL library might be a factor. It must create sockets to talk to the remote database, and if they aren't being marked as non-inheritable it could trigger some sort of problem. Remember I fixed the TCL library and all of ioFTPD to never spawn child processes while inheritable sockets are being created. It's a SERIOUS mis-feature that Microsoft decided that all sockets by default should be inherited. I would have guessed just one connection was created by mysql's library and maintained as long as possible, but it's definitely something to look into.

I think I'll try and write a simple program that will complain if it finds it inherited handles to files/sockets/etc and we can try running that via a new custom command line in the .ini file... I can tell you that I was able to prevent ioFTPD from accepting new connections before I fixed it and TCL and this is starting to look similar. It's just not that common for applications to spawn thousands of child processes like we do...
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