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Old 03-22-2010, 03:38 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

newguy: Check out the Changelog (in particular v7.0 and the new 7.2.0) for information on Virtual_Dirs. An early example can be found if you look at source/nxSearch.itcl which is a simple test script I wrote to return search results from the nxTools dupedb. The ioVirtual call to fill in the directory listing is documented in the doc/iTCL.txt file.

Here's a newer example I was using to test with that just mirrors a VFS dir on the server as a pure virtual dir. I know, virtual this virtual that... I wasn't planning on releasing this yet so it's not documented and it contains whatever I was playing with at the time I was testing, but it may help you. In particular note that you can get the files/dirs to display in the listing from anywhere including a database like in the nxSearch example, but I just used another dir so I could compare them visually to see if things were working correctly...

# NOTE: <>'s are invalid in real filenames so useful to return them for purely
# fake subdirectories because the server won't try to resolve them and thus
# we save a lot of overhead.
set mDir "test2"
set vDir "vDir"

proc AddDummy {name {link ""}} {
    set t [clock seconds]
    if {[string length $link] != 0} {
        ioVirtual AddDir 0 $t $t "User" "Group" 0777 $name $link
    } else {
        ioVirtual AddDir 0 $t $t "User" "Group" 0777 $name {}

proc MirrorDir {vPath oPath} {
    foreach vEntry [resolve list $vPath] {
#        putlog "entry: $vEntry"
        lassign $vEntry name type uid user gid group size mode attributes \
                winLastTime unixLastTime winAltTime unixAltTime subDirCount \
                pathList chattrList uptime
        # it's important the the mode passed to ioVirtual only contain the 0777
        # bits set else it complains and rejects it.
        set mode [expr {$mode & 0777}]
        if {$type == "d"} {
            if {$name == "." || $name == ".."} continue
            ioVirtual AddDir $size $unixLastTime $unixAltTime $user $group $mode $name "[file join $vPath $name]"
            #ioVirtual AddLink [file join $vPath $name] $name
        } elseif {$type == "f"} {
            ioVirtual AddFile $size $unixLastTime $unixAltTime $user $group $mode $name ":[file join $vPath $name]"
        } elseif {$type == "l"} {
#        putlog "type $type - [lindex $chattrList 1] -- $mode"
            ioVirtual AddDir $size $unixLastTime $unixAltTime $user $group $mode $name [lindex $chattrList 1]
        } else {
            return -code error "unknown <type>: $type"
    return 1

proc ProcessArgs {} {
    global ioArgs mDir vDir

    putlog "mirror: $ioArgs"

    # need to strip off quotes from arguments
    set fileName    [string range [lindex $ioArgs 0] 1 end-1]
    set globPattern [string range [lindex $ioArgs 1] 1 end-1]
    set oldPattern  [string range [lindex $ioArgs 2] 1 end-1]
    set exists      [lindex $ioArgs 3]
    set cmd         [lindex $ioArgs 4]
    if {$globPattern != ""} {
        # this can either be a real glob like *.txt, or it can be
        # the name of a file
    set pathList [file split $fileName]
    if {![string equal -nocase [lindex $pathList 1] $vDir]} {
        putlog "Not in virtual dir!"
        return 0
    set target [file join / $mDir {*}[lrange $pathList 2 end]]
    set real [resolve PWD $target]
    putlog "$target = $real"
    if {$real == ""} {
        putlog "failed to resolve"
        return 0D
    if {[file isdirectory $real]} {
        return [MirrorDir $target $fileName]
    if {[file isfile $real]} {
        putlog "resolved: $target -> $real"
        AddDummy "||RESOLVED||" $target
        return 1
    if {$exists != "" && $exists} {
        # doesn't exist... just ignore
        return 0
    putlog "non-exist resolved: $target -> $real"
    AddDummy "||RESOLVED||" $target
    return 1

return [ProcessArgs]
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