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Old 10-13-2009, 11:05 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 10


I would like to setup a “corporate” ftp site using ioFTPD (as it is stable, performant, support ssl,…)
I also struggle a little bit with the permissions, so I’m hijacking this new thread about the same subject hoping it wil also answer LundeSDK problem.
(if not ok just tell me so I’ll open a new thread):

The aim is:

Anonymous users
- can download whatever is on the ftp site
- Upload dir should be restricted: customers can upload their debug files but should not be able to download from there (or even better cannot list the content of that dir)

Contributor users
- Can download whatever is on the site
- Can upload in a specific dir (/Products) create/delete their own dir/files
- Upload dir: can download/upload (Not mandatory)

Actual Setup:

I’ve left the default permissions:
Default_Directory_Attributes = 755 0:0
Default_File_Attributes = 644 0:0

I created 3 separate vfs files :

External for anonymous users (Flag A)
Contributor.vfs for contributor users (Flag Q)
Webmaster.vfs for the webmaster - I won’t discuss this case as it points to other dirs

Both external.vfs and Contributor.vfs got:

"E:\ioFTPD-v7.0.3\FTP-ROOT-DIR" /
"E:\FTP-Content\Product" /Product
"E:\FTP-Content\Upload" /Upload

In ioFTPD.ini, I’ve set:
Upload = /Upload/* 31VMA
Resume = /Upload/* 31VMA
MakeDir = /Upload/* 31VMA
DeleteOwn = /Upload/* 31VMA
RemoveOwnDir = /Upload/* 31VMA
Upload = /Product/* 1VMQ
Resume = / Product /* 1VMQ
MakeDir = / Product /* 1VMQ
DeleteOwn = / Product /* 1VMQ
RemoveOwnDir = / Product /* 1VMQ
Rename = /* 1VM
RenameOwn = /* 31VM
Overwrite = /* 1VM
Delete = /* 1VM
RemoveDir = /* 1VM

My problems:
- Anonymous can list the content of /Upload and above all download whatever there is
- Contributor cannot create a dir or upload in the /Products dir (error message is: [1] 550 fze: Permission denied (directory mode).

What am I missing there ??

Is there anything like this to restrict download rights:
Download = /Upload/* 1VM

Thanks for your help
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