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Old 07-26-2009, 09:26 AM  
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Join Date: May 2007
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No, I don't "spread it on" think as you said, you have been complaining about this for ages. Scripting by scheduler is efficient enough for freespace. Allthough the callback that YiL is talking about is not what you're asking because you want the freespace function integrated into the core, thats what i'm against.

Mind my own scripts better? Well if you don't like them then don't use them!

The reason i really don't like you is not that you request things all the time nor that you keep asking for them, it's that somehow you seem to think that I have some kind of responsibility to do as you want... that gets to me.

I always say no when people request new scripts? Well, it takes alot of time to write a script for public use, and my time is somewhat limited, and I don't get paid for doing it....

So i should spend time on my own scripts? I repeat what I said earlier, learn to code yourself instead and then come back and be rude until then, why don't you get off my back?

Jeza: you said what about him? you wanted me to be nice to him?
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