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Old 05-25-2008, 04:20 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

If the sitebot config file has stuff like section GAMES is d:\Games then it needs to know real paths. Clearly it needs to know this somehow so it can do things like site free, but what I'm looking to do is have the sitebot get this information from the server so if you change the VFS file you don't have to also change the sitebot... I expect a few new iTCL functions and perhaps a new site command should make all this really easy to do.

Sitebots will likely always have to know most section names since output is often redirected different places based on section, but I don't think there is any reason for it to know about real paths. On the other hand, the "default" configuration could just enumerate the section names as well and only if you want to do something like suppress messages or redirect them would you need to configure it manually.

Hmm, good point on the case changes in the userfile. It's simple enough to go back, but let's see what breaks. If it's TCL scripts parsing the output of bin2ascii they will be trivial to change, and if it's other scripts reading the userfiles directly then I want to discourage that anyway. The shared memory interface never sees any of this so it won't care. Things like nxShareDB won't have local userfiles and going to something like SQLite for the user db in the future would break direct userfile access anyway. Best to query the server for the info. It's simple enough to go back to all lowercase for the older fields though so if something important can't be fixed easily I'll get a new version out...

Last edited by Yil; 05-25-2008 at 04:36 PM.
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