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Old 09-18-2007, 08:43 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9
Default Stalling again

Is there an answer to this stall?

See bottom of the log it stalls, disconnects, reconnects, stalls.....

[08:35:16] [R] Connecting to year01 SILVER -> IP= PORT=21
[08:35:16] [R] Connected to year01 SILVER
[08:35:16] [R] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[08:35:16] [R] 220-You are user number 4 of 46 allowed.
[08:35:16] [R] 220-Local time is now 08:35. Server port: 21.
[08:35:16] [R] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[08:35:16] [R] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[08:35:16] [R] USER yearcom
[08:35:16] [R] 331 User yearcom OK. Password required
[08:35:16] [R] PASS (hidden)
[08:35:16] [R] 230-User yearcom has group access to: yearcom
[08:35:16] [R] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[08:35:16] [R] SYST
[08:35:16] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:35:16] [R] FEAT
[08:35:16] [R] 211-Extensions supported:
[08:35:16] [R] EPRT
[08:35:16] [R] IDLE
[08:35:16] [R] MDTM
[08:35:16] [R] SIZE
[08:35:16] [R] REST STREAM
[08:35:16] [R] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNI X.gid*;unique*;
[08:35:16] [R] MLSD
[08:35:16] [R] ESTP
[08:35:16] [R] PASV
[08:35:16] [R] EPSV
[08:35:16] [R] SPSV
[08:35:16] [R] ESTA
[08:35:16] [R] AUTH TLS
[08:35:16] [R] PBSZ
[08:35:16] [R] PROT
[08:35:16] [R] 211 End.
[08:35:16] [R] CWD /public_html/
[08:35:16] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/
[08:35:16] [R] PWD
[08:35:16] [R] 257 "/public_html/" is your current location
[08:35:21] [R] CWD /public_html/jhave
[08:35:22] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/jhave
[08:35:22] [R] PWD
[08:35:22] [R] 257 "/public_html/jhave" is your current location
[08:35:22] [R] TYPE A
[08:35:22] [R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[08:35:22] [R] STAT -la
[08:35:22] [R] List Complete: 1 KB in 0.36 seconds (5.2 KB/s)
[08:35:47] [R] CWD /public_html/
[08:35:47] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/
[08:35:47] [R] PWD
[08:35:47] [R] 257 "/public_html/" is your current location
[08:35:47] [R] TYPE I
[08:35:48] [R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[08:35:56] [R] Skip [manual]: D:\www\Concordia_phD\FLIT\cynew\mp3s.txt
[08:35:56] [R] MKD /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[08:35:56] [R] 257 "/public_html/jhave/kirsten" : The directory was successfully created
[08:35:56] [R] CWD /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[08:35:56] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[08:35:56] [R] PWD
[08:35:56] [R] 257 "/public_html/jhave/kirsten" is your current location
[08:35:57] [R] TYPE A
[08:35:57] [R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[08:35:57] [R] STAT -la
[08:35:57] [R] List Complete: 115 bytes in 0.30 seconds (0.4 KB/s)
[08:35:57] [R] TYPE I
[08:35:57] [R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[08:35:57] [R] PORT 132,208,30,48,17,116
[08:35:57] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[08:35:57] [R] STOR arie.flv
[08:35:57] [R] 150 Connecting to port 4468
[08:36:11] [R] 226-File successfully transferred
[08:36:11] [R] 226 13.996 seconds (measured here), 38.18 Kbytes per second
[08:36:11] Transferred: arie.flv 534 KB in 14.00 seconds (38.2 KB/s)
[08:36:11] [R] PORT 132,208,30,48,17,119
[08:36:11] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[08:36:11] [R] STOR arie2.flv
[08:36:11] [R] 150 Connecting to port 4471
[09:07:33] [R] 226-File successfully transferred
[09:07:33] [R] 226 1881.375 seconds (measured here), 37.79 Kbytes per second
[09:07:33] Transferred: arie2.flv 69.42 MB in 31 minutes 21 seconds (37.8 KB/s)
[09:07:33] [R] PORT 132,208,30,48,18,126
[09:07:33] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[09:07:33] [R] STOR colin.flv
[09:07:33] [R] 150 Connecting to port 4734
[09:07:47] [R] 226-File successfully transferred
[09:07:47] [R] 226 14.129 seconds (measured here), 38.18 Kbytes per second
[09:07:47] Transferred: colin.flv 539 KB in 14.14 seconds (38.2 KB/s)
[09:07:47] [R] PORT 132,208,30,48,18,128
[09:07:47] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[09:07:47] [R] STOR colin2.flv
[09:07:47] [R] 150 Connecting to port 4736
[09:27:58] [R] Transfer Failed!
[09:27:58] [R] Connection lost: year01 SILVER
[09:27:58] Transferred 3 files totaling 70.47 MB in 52 minutes 12 seconds (37.8 KB/s)
[09:27:58] Skipped 1 file
[09:28:00] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[09:28:00] [R] Connecting to year01 SILVER -> IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
[09:28:00] [R] Connected to year01 SILVER
[09:28:00] [R] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[09:28:00] [R] 220-You are user number 1 of 46 allowed.
[09:28:00] [R] 220-Local time is now 09:28. Server port: 21.
[09:28:00] [R] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[09:28:00] [R] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[09:28:00] [R] USER yearcom
[09:28:01] [R] 331 User yearcom OK. Password required
[09:28:01] [R] PASS (hidden)
[09:28:01] [R] 230-User yearcom has group access to: yearcom
[09:28:01] [R] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[09:28:01] [R] SYST
[09:28:01] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[09:28:01] [R] FEAT
[09:28:01] [R] 211-Extensions supported:
[09:28:01] [R] EPRT
[09:28:01] [R] IDLE
[09:28:01] [R] MDTM
[09:28:01] [R] SIZE
[09:28:01] [R] REST STREAM
[09:28:01] [R] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNI X.gid*;unique*;
[09:28:01] [R] MLSD
[09:28:01] [R] ESTP
[09:28:01] [R] PASV
[09:28:01] [R] EPSV
[09:28:01] [R] SPSV
[09:28:01] [R] ESTA
[09:28:01] [R] AUTH TLS
[09:28:01] [R] PBSZ
[09:28:01] [R] PROT
[09:28:01] [R] 211 End.
[09:28:01] [R] CWD /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[09:28:01] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[09:28:01] [R] PWD
[09:28:01] [R] 257 "/public_html/jhave/kirsten" is your current location
[09:28:01] [R] TYPE A
[09:28:01] [R] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[09:28:01] [R] STAT -la
[09:28:01] [R] List Complete: 375 bytes in 0.27 seconds (1.4 KB/s)
[09:28:01] [R] TYPE I
[09:28:01] [R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[09:30:26] [R] PORT 132,208,30,48,19,75
[09:30:26] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[09:30:26] [R] REST 39232916
[09:30:26] [R] 350 Restarting at 39232916
[09:30:26] [R] STOR colin2.flv
[09:30:26] [R] 150 Connecting to port 4939
[09:35:35] [R] Transfer Failed!
[09:35:35] [R] Connection lost: year01 SILVER
[09:35:37] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[09:35:37] [R] Connecting to year01 SILVER -> IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
[09:35:37] [R] Connected to year01 SILVER
[09:35:38] [R] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[09:35:38] [R] 220-You are user number 2 of 46 allowed.
[09:35:38] [R] 220-Local time is now 09:36. Server port: 21.
[09:35:38] [R] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[09:35:38] [R] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[09:35:38] [R] USER yearcom
[09:35:38] [R] 331 User yearcom OK. Password required
[09:35:38] [R] PASS (hidden)
[09:35:38] [R] 230-User yearcom has group access to: yearcom
[09:35:38] [R] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[09:35:38] [R] SYST
[09:35:38] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[09:35:38] [R] FEAT
[09:35:38] [R] 211-Extensions supported:
[09:35:38] [R] EPRT
[09:35:38] [R] IDLE
[09:35:38] [R] MDTM
[09:35:38] [R] SIZE
[09:35:38] [R] REST STREAM
[09:35:38] [R] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNI X.gid*;unique*;
[09:35:38] [R] MLSD
[09:35:38] [R] ESTP
[09:35:38] [R] PASV
[09:35:38] [R] EPSV
[09:35:38] [R] SPSV
[09:35:38] [R] ESTA
[09:35:38] [R] AUTH TLS
[09:35:38] [R] PBSZ
[09:35:38] [R] PROT
[09:35:38] [R] 211 End.
[09:35:38] [R] CWD /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[09:35:38] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[09:35:38] [R] PWD
[09:35:38] [R] 257 "/public_html/jhave/kirsten" is your current location
[09:35:38] [R] TYPE I
[09:35:38] [R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[09:35:46] [R] PORT 132,208,30,48,4,27
[09:35:46] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[09:35:46] [R] REST 39232916
[09:35:46] [R] 350 Restarting at 39232916
[09:35:46] [R] STOR colin2.flv
[09:35:46] [R] 150 Connecting to port 1051
[09:40:56] [R] Transfer Failed!
[09:40:56] [R] Connection lost: year01 SILVER
[09:40:58] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[09:40:58] [R] Connecting to year01 SILVER -> IP= PORT=21 (attempt # 1)
[09:40:58] [R] Connected to year01 SILVER
[09:40:58] [R] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[09:40:58] [R] 220-You are user number 1 of 46 allowed.
[09:40:58] [R] 220-Local time is now 09:41. Server port: 21.
[09:40:58] [R] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[09:40:58] [R] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[09:40:58] [R] USER yearcom
[09:40:58] [R] 331 User yearcom OK. Password required
[09:40:58] [R] PASS (hidden)
[09:40:58] [R] 230-User yearcom has group access to: yearcom
[09:40:58] [R] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[09:40:58] [R] SYST
[09:40:58] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[09:40:58] [R] FEAT
[09:40:58] [R] 211-Extensions supported:
[09:40:58] [R] EPRT
[09:40:58] [R] IDLE
[09:40:58] [R] MDTM
[09:40:58] [R] SIZE
[09:40:58] [R] REST STREAM
[09:40:58] [R] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNI X.gid*;unique*;
[09:40:58] [R] MLSD
[09:40:58] [R] ESTP
[09:40:58] [R] PASV
[09:40:58] [R] EPSV
[09:40:58] [R] SPSV
[09:40:58] [R] ESTA
[09:40:58] [R] AUTH TLS
[09:40:58] [R] PBSZ
[09:40:58] [R] PROT
[09:40:58] [R] 211 End.
[09:40:58] [R] CWD /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[09:40:58] [R] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/jhave/kirsten
[09:40:58] [R] PWD
[09:40:58] [R] 257 "/public_html/jhave/kirsten" is your current location
[09:40:58] [R] TYPE I
[09:40:59] [R] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[09:40:59] [R] PORT 132,208,30,48,4,88
[09:40:59] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[09:40:59] [R] REST 39232916
[09:40:59] [R] 350 Restarting at 39232916
[09:40:59] [R] STOR colin2.flv
[09:40:59] [R] 150 Connecting to port 1112
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