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Old 12-10-2005, 10:46 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 7

# AUTONUKE                                                                    #
###; The autonuker checks defined sections for:
###; - empty dirs (empty)
###; - incomplete releases (incomplete)
###; - banned words (banned)
###; - non allowed groups (allowed)

###; User / Group used to nuke (those must exist)
set anuke(user) "sitebot"
set anuke(group) "siteop"
###; Vfsfile used to resolve paths
set anuke(mtab) "C:/io/ioFTPD/etc/admin.vfs"
###; Path to ioA.exe (version 1.1.7+ required)
set anuke(ioA) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\ioA\\ioA.exe"
###; Nuketag
set anuke(tag) "NUKED-"

###; Dirs with those words won't be checked (do not edit unless you know what you're doing)
set anuke(exclude) {"incomplete" "nfofix" "nfo.fix" "nfo.update" "dirfix" "dir.fix" "samplefix" "sample.fix" "repack" ".fix." "_fix_"}
###; Releases older than that (mins) won't be checked
set anuke(maxtime) 1440
###; Nuke parent dir for multicd releases ? (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
set anuke(parent) 1

###; Enable or disable nukes / warnings (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
set anuke(empty,nuke) 1; set anuke(incomplete,nuke) 1; set anuke(banned,nuke) 1; set anuke(allowed,nuke) 1; set anuke(imdb,nuke) 1; set anuke(mp3,nuke) 1
set anuke(empty,warn) 1; set anuke(incomplete,warn) 1; set anuke(banned,warn) 1; set anuke(allowed,warn) 1; set anuke(imdb,warn) 1; set anuke(mp3,warn) 1

###; Syntax: {"/section" statsection creditsection multiplier warnmins nukemins}
set anuke(empty,sections) {{"/MP3/????" 4 4 2 20 40} {"/MP3/!!!!" 4 4 2 20 40}}
set anuke(incomplete,sections) {{"/MP3/????" 4 4 2 20 40}}
set anuke(banned,sections) {{"/TV" 2 2 3 15 30}}
set anuke(allowed,sections) {{"/MP3/????" 4 4 3 15 30}}
set anuke(imdb,sections) {{"/DVDR" 1 1 3 30 60}}
set anuke(mp3,sections) {{"/MP3/????" 4 4 3 10 30}}

###; Date format to use for dated dirs
###; If a section vfs entry has a ???? in it, then basically we replace that with the date ie. 0104
###; If a section vfs entry has a !!!! in it, then basically we replace that with yesterday's date
###; %m-%d would be 01-04 etc. etc. etc.
###; Cookies:
###;    %a - Abbreviated weekday name (Mon, Tue, etc.).
###;    %A - Full weekday name (Monday, Tuesday, etc.).
###;    %b - Abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, etc.).
###;    %B - Full month name.
###;    %C - First two digits of the four-digit year (19 or 20).
###;    %d - Day of month (01 - 31).
###;    %e - Day of month (1 - 31), no leading zeros.
###;    %h - Abbreviated month name.
###;    %j - Day of year (001 - 366).
###;    %m - Month number (01 - 12).
###;    %u - Weekday number (Monday = 1, Sunday = 7).
###;    %U - Week of year (00 - 52), Sunday is the first day of the week.
###;    %V - Week of year according to ISO-8601 rules. Week 1 of a given year is the week containing 4 January.
###;    %w - Weekday number (Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6).
###;    %W - Week of year (00 - 52), Monday is the first day of the week.
###;    %y - Year without century (00 - 99).
###;    %Y - Year with century (e.g. 1990)
set anuke(dateformat) "%m%d"

###; Subdirs for multicds releases (regexps are supported)
set anuke(multicd) {"*CD[0-9]" "*DISC[0-9]" "*DVD[0-9]"}

###; File types needed in a dir when checking for incomplete releases (do not change unless you know what you're doing)
set anuke(incomplete,files) {".zip" ".rar" ".r00" ".r01" ".mp3" ".000" ".001"}
###; Banned words in dirnames for %section
set anuke(banned,TV) {"BAN" "ANOTHERBAN"}
###; Allowed groups for %section
set anuke(allowed,MP3) {"tDQ" "GRP"}
###; iMDB rules
###; Syntax: {"*pattern*" year rating votes}
set anuke(imdb,DVDR) {{"*limited*" 2003 5.0 50} {"*" 2002 5.5 150}}
###; MP3 rules
###; Syntax: {"*pattern*" year bitrate}
set anuke(mp3,MP3) {{"*french*" 2002 192} {"*" 2004 192}}

# TOP100                                                                      #
set bb(realdir) "C:/DATA/MP3/TOP100"
set bb(vfsdir) "/MP3/TOP100"

# BINARIES                                                                    #
set bin(zip) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\ioBanana\\bin\\zip.exe"
set bin(unzip) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\bin\\unzip.exe"
set bin(rar) "C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\rar.exe"
set bin(mpgtx) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\bin\\mpgtx.exe"
set bin(mp3info) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\bin\\mp3info.exe"
set bin(curl) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\windrop\\scripts\\curl\\curl.exe"
set bin(crc32) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\scripts\\ioBanana\\bin\\crc32.exe"
set bin(ioftpd) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\system\\ioFTPD.exe"
set bin(uptime) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\ioBanana\\bin\\ioUptime.exe"
set bin(disk) "C:\\io\\ioFTPD\\ioBanana\\bin\\ioDiskSpace.exe"

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