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Old 06-27-2002, 09:51 PM  
Posts: n/a
Default what is the STREAM thinggy??

i get an error when trying to fxp

227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,14,4)
PORT xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,14,4
200 Port command okay.
STOR dev-crti.r01
150 Ready to receive "/DOCS/Mission.doc". Mode STREAM Type BINARY.
RETR Mission.doc
426 Data connection error. Connection closed. Transfer aborted
226 ABOR command successful.
Transfer Failed!

its the STREAM in bold, how do i get rid of that, and what is it for?? i talked to my friend, and he said he didnt have that and he could fxp from home to school just fine, i have the same set up, no routers or firewalls, and the only diff is the STREAM thinggy..
